Oz: South Australia to Let Tranny Students Pick Preferred Name, Uniform and Toilet

Daily Stormer
January 5, 2017

Shitlibs: Forever willing to put females at risk for such a tiny part of the population

Let’s forget about the males who use pro-transgender laws to sexually assault and abuse women in the toilet. The real question is why anybody would want to share space with a person who is that mentally ill enough to believe that they are the opposite gender to what they were born as?

But Goy, why be wary of such individuals?

I wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing my little girl was at a school camp (not that if I had a little girl I’d send her to school camp) sleeping next to somebody as perverted as that.

Daily Mail:

Transgender school students will soon be able to use their preferred names, wear the uniform and use the toilets of their choice.

An Education Department policy has outlined how transgender students should be treated in South Australia.

They will also be able to sleep alongside students of the gender they identify with on school camps.

The department says the policy will ensure ‘consistent’ treatment of transgender pupils by school leaders.

‘The difference is that this clearly articulates what we require from schools,’ executive director of statewide services and child development Ann-Marie Hayes told The Advertiser.

Hayes also defended the policy and said it could not be taken advantage of and that a boy could not pretend to be transgender in order to sleep in the same area as girls on a school camp.

So how are they going to police that one?

Are they going to discriminate against little Johnny if he looks and acts like a boy but claims to be a girl?

Where is the line drawn?

And how retarded will school yards start to look with kids wearing whatever the hell they want.

Our ancestors are honestly turning in their graves.

Schools will be the new Mental Asylums

And to think that this was an Australian school class from the 1920s:

When schools weren’t weak or run by Christ-Killers

Faggots do nothing for society. The children from 1920’s don’t look like special snowflakes.

A ten year old boy wearing a dress and being encouraged to do so, will not grow up to be a productive adult.

Let them cater for the trannies, when shit starts going wrong and girls start getting molested we can laugh as they pretend they have no clue why things are going haywire.

If your child attends a public school in South Australia – homeschool them.

Protect your child from being made to believe that it’s okay to be whoever and whatever they want to be.