Oz: Young Homosexual Bullied to Death After Protesting Drag Queen Story Hour

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 15, 2020

The news is getting stranger and stranger. At some point, it will get so strange that it will just have to be presented without comment because any attempt to reason out the logic behind the event would render the writer and the reader both insane.

We aren’t quite there yet, but boy are we getting close to the absurdist event horizon.

Daily Mail:

A young conservative student who led a controversial ‘drag queens are not for kids’ protest at a library reading session has died in a suspected suicide.

Wilson Gavin, the president of the University of Queensland’s (UQ) Liberal National Club, was found dead in Brisbane’s south on Monday.

Queensland police and ambulance services were called to an incident at Chelmer about 7.07am.

A state ambulance spokeswoman said the patient was found with critical injuries. Mr Gavin was 21. 

The loss of this young twink is only made sad by the circumstances leading up to his death. Anyone who stands up to satanic drag queen child sex offenders who are protected by shameless badge niggers (the enemy of the people) is a hero in my book.

Seeing as Gavin was only 21, he was no doubt bombarded by Jewish sexual propaganda and harassed by pedophile Boomers his entire life. Looking deep within myself, I can honestly say that I do indeed feel something resembling sympathy for him because I feel sympathy for all Zoomers who were forced to grow up in the most dysgenic conditions known to man. Forget participation trophies; as far as I’m concerned, anyone who makes it to 22 without being molested or forced to suck dick to fit in should be given a medal.

PSA time: ? Attention ? all ? Zoomers ?! Sucking dick is never OK.

But standing up to drag queen demons is both based and red-pilled. This all may cancel out in the end, but who am I to say, really. You’re going to have to have that conversation with Peter when you’re trying to get into heaven. Maybe he’ll let it slide, idk – my reasoning is that it’s better not to give him any reason to send you to Hell.

But hey, that’s just me.

Mr Gavin was one of about 15 to 20 students who protested at the Drag Storytime event held at the Brisbane Square Library on Sunday afternoon.

Drag queens read stories to children and their parents to teach kids about the fluidity of gender identity and provide them with queer role models.

Footage of the protest shows the demonstrators chanting loudly while one of two performers Diamond Good-Rim tries to get them to stop.

The video featuring Mr Gavin went viral and was slammed by The Veronicas star Jessica Origliasso, who is engaged to transgender bartender Kai Carlton.

I am so totally out of the loop with modern celebrity culture that I have no idea who this disgusting she-wop and her bf (gf?) even are.

If she came out and condemned me though, I’d know that I was doing the right thing and was earning myself a First Class ticket to heaven, that’s for sure.

Before the tragedy emerged, Origliasso described the demonstration as a ‘tone deaf ‘protest’ and fueled by bigotry.’

In the wake of the tragedy, drag queen Diamond Good-Rim issued a statement saying he was deeply saddened by the news.

One more PSA: Kids*, do NOT commit suicide. We need every man we can get in the wars that are coming.

*Note: this PSA does not apply to fags. Jesus hates you, so it doesn’t really matter what you do because the hellfire awaits either way.

Mr Gavin, a gay man, previously made the news in 2017 for opposing same sex marriage.

The then 19-year-old fronted a ‘You Can Say No’ rally, saying: ‘I support what marriage really is and I’m gay.’

He also made media appearances as a spokesman for the Australian Monarchist League.

Writer Satyajeet Marar said: ‘Wilson Gavin was an intelligent, witty, articulate and outspoken young man with a good heart.

‘Despite holding opinions that some people disagree with strongly, he would defend them with conviction.

‘Brave and admirable traits while most of us in this generation spend years obsessing over what others think of us and worrying about whether expressing our opinions will cause people to dislike us.’

Well, if he wasn’t gay literally no one would be expressing their condolences for the young man because he would just be smeared as a Nazi, and psycho-libs would instead be celebrating in the streets that he was dead.

This is known.

Die, white boy!

It is a rare day indeed when a tranny outlives anybody.

But as we enter deeper into the topsy-turvy absurdist event horizon, such news will become more and more common, unfortunately.