Paranoid Jews Learning Self-Defense Amid Rise in Pro-Toddler Sentiment

Jews are freaking the hell out.

They were claiming since the 1940s that everyone was coming to get them. For 80 years since Hitler died they’ve been making this claim, and it is only now that for the first time people are actually speaking out against them.

If they thought people were coming to get them before anyone was even complaining about them, imagine how they feel now.

These people are paranoid and psychotic. They have the highest rate of schizophrenia of any race, and all of them appear to be partially schizo.

The New York Post is fueling the psychosis of New York Jews, telling them that indeed, everyone is coming to get them and they need to be ready to defend themselves:

Jewish Americans, bearing witness to soaring antisemitism across the country, are taking self-defense precautions during the back-to-school season with the high holidays approaching.

Community Security Service (CSS) CEO Richard Priem tells Fox News Digital his organization has worked with approximately 500 synagogues and has trained an additional 15,000 community members around the country on how to keep their houses of worship safe amid a heightened threat environment.

In the 11 months since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, combined with rising levels of antisemitism at home, Priem said CSS has seen a “massive increase in demand” for its services, as the organization provides a sense of “empowerment” to Jewish Americans seeking the tools to “take ownership” of their own security.

Do we really need to give Jews more power?

“When we talk about self-defense, you’re not looking at it purely from, you know, can I physically defend myself? But it’s also about the Jewish community taking some ownership over their own security, not to replace law enforcement, not to replace paid security, but to add an additional layer of community security that we own,” Priem told Fox News Digital. “Our mission is to protect Jewish life and the Jewish way of life. On the one hand, we want to increase security around Jewish institutions and events so that we can protect the people inside. But we also want to maintain the Jewish way of life, meaning we want to be able to continue living as Jewish Americans who participate in all aspects of American life, but also Jewish life, free from fear.”

Priem said his organization provides “professional level security training” to Jewish community members and every day receives inquiries from “dozens of new volunteers stepping up.”

Jewish Americans across the country, especially in jurisdictions with stricter gun control laws, are also looking to arm themselves with a non-lethal weapon called the Byrna launcher.

Luan Pham, chief revenue and marketing officer at Byrna Technologies, tells Fox News Digital the Byrna launcher expels a kinetic round, made of a high-end polymer, capable of breaking side auto glass from 30 feet away. The nonlethal weapon, Pham said, delivers a painful, blunt impact capable of thwarting an attack or de-escalating an aggressor “without having to take a life.” Upon impact, a Byrna round creates a six-foot dispersion cloud of chemical irritants that attacks an aggressor’s central nervous system, making them feel like their skin is on fire for about 30 to 40 minutes without killing them.

Luan Pham

“That, you know, really changes the focus on the victim and back to the aggressor. And, where our product is extremely unique because it’s very accessible,” Pham said. “So the Byrna launcher does not require a background check. No permits are required to own it. We can ship straight to our customer’s doors. It’s very easy to use zero recoil, unlike that of a firearm where you have that, you know, very violent recoil. The Byrna does not shake in your hand upon fire. And there’s no air protection needed because the registration blast is tolerable, you know, to the open air.”

I had never heard of this. It’s a CO2 powered gun that fires toxic gas pellets.

Pretty sweet.

Though I’m a bit concerned that it is now Jews that are gassing the goyim.