Party Canceled: David French Died in 2010

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2016


David French: January 18, 1939 – December 4, 2010

When the diabolical Jew William Kristol planned his plot to install David French as the President of America, he thought through every angle, planning meticulously for every eventuality of his mega-coup.

There was just one thing he forgot.

He forgot to Google “David French.”

If he had done so, he would have know that David French has been dead since December 4, 2010.


You planned for everything, Kristol. You thought it all through. And you would have won, too. A true conservative such as French could have breezed through and won by a landslide against Trump and Clinton.

But you missed this one little detail, Kristol. And the devil, as they say, is in the details.

A man need not be perfect to be President of these United States.

He need not have name-recognition, a Wikipedia page, a political history, any personal accomplishments to speak of or a chin.

But there is one thing he does need to have: a pulse.