Paul Weston: Honest, I am not a Zionist Lickspittle

Green Arrow
The British Resistance
April 25, 2012


Just set up at a different location and checked the comments section and what do I find but a response from Paul Weston, the puppet leader of the Zionist controlled British Freedom Party concerning an article I wrote earlier today.  Really interesting I thought and so here it is:

You are rather jumping the gun. I am not a Zionist, I am not Jewish, Tommy Robinson is not a Zionist and Sarah has a clause at her website stating her articles can be republished providing she is acknowledged as the author. As was the case here. All in all, your paranoia enables you only to get everything completely wrong

Who said you were Jewish Paul?  Would you be ashamed to be Jewish?

Now seriously, this is interesting, not because of what he says but what he does not say.  He is correct on one thing though and that is the part about Sarah and I do not not blame him for using the work of more capable writers on his Zionist funded website – there are none within the BFP ranks that is for sure.

But did you notice that nowhere in his response did he deal with the more serious issues of his employment of a vile, vicious, lying, crooked and corrupt thug like Simon Bennett as his webmaster or the fact that his site promotes homosexuality as a way of life.  He does not even attempt to defend his party’s stance on child pornography and support for paedophiles like Garry Glitter.  He says nothing.

Now Weston, your up town girl image might work with your Jewish backers but it does nothing for me.  You just do not have a clue how to play the game.

If you could not denounce or condone the issues I have mentioned, then you should have kept your mouth shut because for every action there is a reaction as you are about to find out.

So it is time to have a look at Paul Weston in a bit more depth I fancy.  Let us have a look at a few of the things that Paul was saying less than two years ago when he was standing as the UKIP candidate for the Cities of London and Westminster and before he either lost his marbles or sold us out.

Back then he seems to have been on track.  Despite being married to an immigrant, he still spoke out against immigration – although I thought his views about women to be a tad insulting to them.

He complained about the metrosexuals – whatever they are but now promotes transexuals and homosexuals.  He then makes the obligatory attack on Nick Griffin and shows that he has swallowed the Zionist vomit about the holohoax when he says:

“Nick Griffin is a Holocaust-denying Nazi lunatic but in my view he is also stupid.”

Perhaps that is when he was picked out for possible future use by the Zionists because in all fairness, he is presentable and when not drinking, articulate.

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Now Paul says that he is not a Zionist stooge or mouthpiece for Israel and if that is true then why does he spend so much time speaking at Jewish functions?  How many of these Jewish Functions have you spoken at since becoming chairman Paul?   Come on speak up.

Now I have to rush sorry but there is just enough time to respond to Weston’s claim that Robinson is not a Zionist stooge as well as being a race traitor.

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Here you can read all about Tommy’s meeting with Rabbi Nachum Shifren before organising an EDL demonstration in support of a foreign country – Israel?  What the hell has Israel to do with us?  Nothing.

Now I must press on with this Britain First article it is long overdue.