Peak NPC: Pelosi and Schumer Retweet Same “Orange Man Bad” Meme

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2018


The two figures in Congress making the most trouble for Trump seem to agree on a lot of things.

“It’s Christmas Eve and @realDonaldTrump is plunging the country into chaos. The stock market is tanking and the president is waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve — after he just fired the Secretary of Defense” – Nancy Pelosi (and Chuck Schumer)

Wow. What are the odds?


Ranking Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have been accused of being Trump-hating automatons after posting identical tweets attacking the president. The curious stunt has breathed fresh life into the infamous ‘NPC’ meme.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi were mocked as “non-player characters” (NPCs) – a video game term that has been retooled to describe those who mindlessly regurgitate anti-Trump mantras – after tweeting identical Christmas Eve roasts of Donald Trump.

Really though?

Is this really an accurate use of the NPC meme? Or is it normies fucking up yet another great meme?

Instead, perhaps this is this proof of an off-world Jewish Hive Mind?

Those tweets seem to indicate that there’s a very Jewish lifeform somewhere out there, sending signals out to other Jews and to their servants on earth like Pelosi and Schumer – kinda like that bug queen in Starship Troopers.

Said head mind is almost certainly controlling more than just Schumer and Pelosi. But they’re like the generals and a sort of tag-team of evil at this point.

It’s also possible that Chuck is a “shiksa whisperer,” and Nancy simply absorbs all of his words and regurgitates them, verbatim.

But I suppose the average normie who isn’t willing to believe in Jewish/Bug hive minds will be interested to find out that there seems to be one unpaid intern who writes all the Democrats’ tweets.

Maybe if they weren’t being stingy Boomer assholes and paid the intern a living wage, she wouldn’t accidentally reveal to the world that her bosses’ are all either NPCs or controlled by an off-world Jewish Hive Mind.

Tsk tsk.

It never pays to be penny-wise and pound-stupid. 

But try explaining that to old people.