Pedo-Paki May Have Attacked Hundreds of White Children

May 30, 2015

Bahmani Ahmadi had admitted pretending to be a girl online so that he could meet children and abuse them.

One senior police officer described Ahmadi, 22, of Newcastle, as “the most dangerous” offender he had encountered in a long-running investigation into abuse.

ONE of the UK’s most dangerous paedophiles is facing jail as police warned he may have attacked hundreds of children.

Bahmani Ahmadi, 22, relentlessly pursued girls as young as 11 by posing as a 14-year-old named Holly on Facebook.

He tried to befriend his ‘vulnerable’ targets on-line before luring them to meet him for sex, plying them with drink.

One senior officer described him as “the most dangerous” offender he had encountered in a long-running investigation into abuse.

Ahmadi admitted a string of child sex offences, including sexual assault, grooming, and inciting child prostitution.

Newcastle crown court heard he plied his young victims with alcohol before abusing them.

He appeared briefly to plead guilty to all 18 charges against him, and will be sentenced in July.

His rape jihad had been going on for years before he was finally arrested. He will be tried at Newcastle Crown Court.

Speaking after the case, Det Supt Steve Barron admitted there were real fears he had targeted hundreds of victims.

He said: “He was using social media to groom children, some as young as 11, with a view to actually meeting those children, taking them to his address and sexually offending against them, typically when they were under the influence of large amounts of alcohol.

“He is possibly the most dangerous person I’ve come across in 22 years of policing.”

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