Plans to Rename School After Obama Protested by Mexicans He Oppressed

This was the guy the school was originally named after. I think he was important or something.

Barack Obama was one of the most extreme anti-Mexican white supremacists America has ever seen, so it is comforting to see that his memory is being erased.


Waukegan, Illinois was set to change the name of a middle school from American founder Thomas Jefferson to Barack Obama, when ‘Latinx’ activists launched a protest campaign, saying the 44th president was their “oppressor.”

Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third US president, but he also owned slaves – so Waukegan decided to take his name off a middle school last year, amid the George Floyd protests across the US.

The proposal to rename the school after the country’s first African-American president, however, hit the unexpected snag in the form of advocates for “undocumented” immigrants from Latin America.

Ahead of Tuesday’s meeting of the city’s school board, activists sent out a press release denouncing Obama as the “Deporter in Chief” and saying his 2.5 million deportations of people in the US illegally was “far more than any previous president in our history.”

“For us, having the Deporter in Chief’s name is painful for the community,” said Julie Contreras, an activist who led the protest. Contreras runs United Giving Hope, described by local media as a group that “runs shelters for undocumented children” at the US-Mexico border.

“We feel that Barack Obama did disservice to us. He denied us, and he didn’t stop the deportations, the way he promised,” Contreras said, according to Chicago’s WLS-TV.

“If you’re removing the name of Thomas Jefferson – one oppressor – the name of Obama is another oppressor and our families do not want to see that name,” she added.

Local resident Oscar Arias urged the board to “drop the names of Barack and Michelle Obama from consideration,” arguing that Obama’s presidency is “filled with hostility against the immigrant community,” WGN-TV reported.

Edgar Castellanos, who said he came to the US illegally as a child and is now a District 60 school board member, said he would not vote to rename a school “after someone who did not and does not represent the undocumented community.”

What are they going to teach kids at a school named after Barack Obama? The only thing they can teach is hate.

This is a hate school.

Here’s a photo of new graduates from the Barack Hussein Obama school of racial hatred:

It’s really exciting to see people fighting back not just against racist Confederate Generals like Thomas Jefferson, but also going head on against more recent white supremacists like the extreme anti-immigration leader Barack Hussein Obama.

It almost feels like we might just be able to save this country after all.

America has had enough of the Jeffersons and Obamas of this world. It’s a new age, and time to embrace a new doctrine of true equity.

Joe Biden, who is also a relic of White Supremacy himself, recently took a bold step and put a bust of Mexican-American labor leader Cesar Chavez in his office.

The Thomas Jefferson-Barack Obama Hate School should be named after Cesar Chavez.