Plastic Surgery Disaster Carly Fiorina Throws Self Under Bus, Splattering Chemicals

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2016

carly fiorina deformed face

Rumor has it that Carly Fiorina’s plastic surgery was originally “very good,” but then she fell asleep next to a space heater and all the chemicals in her face “melted like wax.”

Carly “Twisted Sister” Fiorina, a woman who was running for the GOP nomination with the slogan “at least your face doesn’t look like this!” has dropped out of the race. The bus she threw herself under had to stop to change tires, as pieces of plastic inside of her face popped these tires.


Carly Fiorina is exiting the Republican presidential race after a seventh-place showing in last night’s New Hampshire primary.

“While I suspend my candidacy today, I will continue to travel this country and fight for those Americans who refuse to settle for the way things are and a status quo that no longer works for them,” said Fiorina in a statement.

Fiorina was an unconventional candidate. Her only previous political effort had been a 10-point loss in a race for U.S. Senate in California, and her tenure at Hewlett-Packard was most notable for her being fired by the board of directors after an unsuccessful merger with Compaq.

Still, Fiorina struck a chord with many Republican voters, many of whom were especially drawn to her fierce anti-abortion viewpoints and spirited appearances on the campaign trail and in debates.

Another one bites the dust!

Actually, it was impossible for her to bite dust, due to the immobility of her jaw muscles. She had to drink the dust through a tube.