Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2015

According to a poll done by Game Changer PAC, 60% of Republicans won’t even bother to vote if Jeb Bush is the party’s nominee.
This is a good thing. We are seeing just how wide the gap is between the Jew-run Republican establishment and the conservative base of America. Even after the hellish reign of the African terror-lord Barack Obama, you’d think the Republicans would be surging, and instead no one even cares.
None of the candidates are addressing the issue everyone cares about, which is the invasion. Jeb Bush is out there literally calling for amnesty. He has a Mexican wife and Mexican kids. He would be just as bad if not worse on immigration than Obama, plus he would absolutely be worse on the Jew wars which everyone is almost as sick of as they are of immigrants.
If any single Republican came out and said they were going to eliminate immigration completely, send the Mexicans home and stop issuing visas to legal immigrants coming to steal IT jobs or these alleged “asylum seekers,” they would win by a landslide against Hillary (extra points if they came out against the Blacks, but they wouldn’t even need extra points). But the Republican party is flat-out refusing to do so.
The most hardcore one among them is Rick “The Mad House” Sanatorium who has vowed to reduce immigration by 25%. This is like saying “instead of shooting you in the head four times, I’m only going to shoot you in the head three times – do we have a deal?”