Poll Friday: Is the Daily Stormer Too Hardcore?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 30, 2014

It's time for a question.
It’s time for a question.

As discussed on my most recent podcast with Sven, a Greek friend of mine recently mentioned to me that he liked the site, but that it sometimes made him feel bad, due to the hardcore language used.  He is exactly the type of person I am trying to appeal to – a young White man who has become aware of race problems relatively recently, and is still clarifying things in his mind.

I have had similar cases where I have talked sense to people, and they have agreed, and then been turned off by the site.  At the same time, I get regular emails from people telling me that they had no idea about any of this stuff, found the site and were led to other information and they now get it.  They have thanked me and said nothing negative about the tone of the site.

Along with this, the sites continually rising numbers show that we are doing something very right, but though the basic format is clearly exactly as it should be, there is always room for slight refinements and improvements.

Thus, I am putting to to the people to tell me what they think about this.

Please note that the only real issue here is specific language, not content.  For instance, is referring to the Obama administration as the “Planet of the Apes Occupational Government” okay, or should it be referred to as something like the “alien African government”?  Is it good to call Kim Kardashian an “ape-loving whore,” or should she instead by referred to as a “race-mixing slut”?

Please do not tell me we post the “Le Happy Merchant” image too often, because we are going to keep posting that no matter what, pretty well everyday, and sometimes up to six or even twelve times per day.  That is non-negotiable.

Another issue: the friend said something like “everything is nigger this, nigger that,” making me think he may have been grouping the comments section with the articles themselves.  We pretty well only use the word “nigger” when referencing people who have used that word, as our general purpose is not to be vulgar, and “nigger” has, over the course of the last hundred years, gone from being a normal term for blacks to a swear word.

I like to keep the comments section as free as possible, but sometimes people do go a bit overboard.  This is also discussed in the above linked podcast, in some detail.  In particular, the condemning of victims of violent non-White crime is particularly unproductive, and it is especially bad when victim’s family members show up and see everyone in the comments condemning the dead person.

Anyway, here the question.

[yop_poll id=”5″]

Give any further details on your answer in the comments section, please.


Poll Friday should be an everyday thing, should it not?  It seems like we could at least do it once a week.