Poll: Majority of Brits Say They are Proud of the British Empire, Colonized Nations are Better Off Now

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 28, 2014

How could you be anything but proud?  I am intensely proud that my blood was a part of this empire.
How could you be anything but proud? I am intensely proud that my blood was a part of this empire.

Somewhat shockingly, a new poll shows that the majority of Brits believe that the British Empire is something they should be proud of, and half said that colonized nations are better off than they were before being colonized.


Among the British public, feelings tend to be positive. A new YouGov survey finds that most think the British Empire is more something to be proud of (59%) rather than ashamed of (19%). 23% don’t know. Young people are least likely to feel pride over shame when it comes to the Empire, though about half (48%) of 18-24 year olds do. In comparison, about two-thirds (65%) of over 60s feel mostly proud.

Though many (36%) are unsure, British people do tend to think that, overall, former British colonies are now better off for having been part of the empire, by 49-15%.

A third of British people (34%) also say they would like it if Britain still had an empire. Under half (45%) say they would not like the Empire to exist today. 20% don’t know.

Chin up then lads!
Chin up then lads!

I’m not surprised many would be unsure about the colonized nations being better off now – it is the liberal catch 22. They tell us that colonization was horrible, then they tell us that the most important thing for these people is to act like Whites.

Given the crumbling demographics of Britain, with everyone from Negroes to Pakistanis to Mexicans being called “British,” results are sometimes hard to gauge.  I imagine that it would be mostly Whites that would say that the British Empire is something to be proud of, while the Hindu/Paki population might be prone to admitting that their hellhole is better now than in was before the British brought them civilization.

Whatever the exact numbers, it is fantastic to hear that the British people are willing to voice pride in the monumental accomplishments of their ancestors, even while the Jewish establishment has gone to such ends to attempt to defame our history, to claim that our victories were failures so they can tell us our present failure is victory.

Our numbers are growing, while even the masses begin to shift our way.

The future is ours, if we are willing to take it.  The Anglo Empire may yet rise again.

Never die.
Never die.