Poll Says 20% of Americans Aged 18-29 Believe the Holocaust is a Myth

The real headline is “80% of young Americans believe nonsense gibberish about how Jews were gassed in fake shower rooms and turned into lampshades and soap by Adolf Hitler.”

Washington Free Beacon:

One in five young Americans say that the Holocaust is a myth, according to a poll released Thursday, and around 30 percent express anti-Semitic views.

Twenty percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 agreed with the statement, “the Holocaust is a myth,” the Economist/YouGov poll found, while a slightly larger percentage agreed with the statement, “the Holocaust has been exaggerated.” Thirty percent, meanwhile, say, “they do not know whether the Holocaust is a myth,” and 28 percent espoused the anti-Semitic canard that “Jews wield too much power in America.”

Young Americans’ Holocaust denial spans “all levels of education,” according to the Economist, which reported that “social media might play a role” in exacerbating anti-Semitism. A recent Generation Lab survey found that “young adults who used TikTok were more likely to hold anti-Semitic beliefs,” the Economist noted.

The alarming poll numbers come as anti-Semitism erupts on elite college campuses. House Republicans in a Tuesday hearing confronted the presidents of MIT, Harvard, and the University of Pennsylvania with video of students calling for violence against Israel and chanting slogans such as “Globalize the intifada” and “Long live the intifada.”

Holocaust denial decreases among Americans older than 29, the Economist/YouGov poll found. Around 10 percent of Americans aged 30 to 44 say that the Holocaust is a myth or exaggerated. Few Americans aged 45 to 64—and almost no Americans older than 65—express those views.

Anti-Semitism is also rearing its head in other demographic groups, the poll found. Twenty-seven percent of black respondents and 19 percent of Hispanics agreed with the statement that “Jews have too much power in America,” compared with 13 percent of white respondents, according to the poll.

Of course the fat tranny millennial scum believe in the Holohoax.

The reason younger Americans are less faggoty is that they are much less white.

I mean, I know this is a pro-white website, but sorry – white people tend to be much bigger gay faggots than brown people. That’s just an uncomfortable fact that we’re going to need to face if we want to fix the problem.