Pope Francis Praises Indonesians for Having Children Instead of Cats

As they say: “even a rusty hammer hits the nail on Wednesday.”

I don’t know if they say that, but they say something similar to that.

Maybe it’s “even the lazy bird gets a worm at the worm festival.”

I literally do not remember the saying.


Pope Francis praised Indonesians on Wednesday for their large families and suggested that people in other countries are choosing to have pets rather than bring up children.

The 87-year-old pontiff was speaking alongside Indonesia’s president Joko Widodo in Jakarta on the first stop on a four-country trip to Asia.

“And your country…has families with three, four or five children that keep moving forward, and this is reflected in the age levels of the country,” he said.

Keep it up, you’re an example for everyone, for all the countries that maybe, and this might sound funny, (where) these families prefer to have a cat or a little dog instead of a child,” he added, turning to Widodo with a chuckle.

But… why is he praising an Islamic country for having kids?

In white countries, he’s telling people to be flooded with foreigners and stop having kids to change the weather.

This isn’t really very helpful, actually.