“Pope” Francis Says Disabled Persons are Good for Society

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
December 4, 2019

When true Christians are asked to name one thing that is definitely good for society, they immediately think of disabled and retarded persons.

But it’s not just about physically disabled persons or Down Syndrome Creatures; it’s also about every possible kind of mental retardation.

What’s a better contribution to the common good that deformed lifeforms damned to suffer and to burden everyone around them?


“We are called to recognize in every person with a disability, even with complex and serious disabilities, a unique contribution to the common good,” Pope Francis said Tuesday.

To mark the World Day for Persons with Disabilities, the pope issued a message saying there is no such thing as first- and second-class citizens, since a people’s human dignity does not depend on how healthy or productive they are.

As he has done on other occasions, Francis called for the promotion of the rights of disabled persons as well as for an end to “discrimination” of every sort against them.

The pope has been a vocal opponent of abortion of the disabled, repeatedly denouncing the “eugenic tendency” behind eliminating unborn babies with handicaps, which reveals a “narcissistic and utilitarian vision.”

“Proof of it is the eugenic tendency to suppress the unborn who have some form of imperfection,” he said in an address in 2017.

“I was thinking about the custom of doing away with babies before they’re born, this horrendous crime,” Francis has said. “They do away with them because it’s easier like that, because it’s more comfortable. It’s a great responsibility—a very grave sin.”

“We are called to defend and safeguard human life, especially in the mother’s womb, in infancy, old age and physical or mental disability,” he said.

According to the Pope, it is “a very grave sin” to prevent the suffering of the disabled and of the people around them, because, apparently, True Christians are needlessly masochistic.

Children are to be received as they come, as God sends them,” he said. “I have heard that it is typical during the first months of pregnancy to do tests on the baby and if the child is not well or has something wrong we do away with it.”

We do as the Nazis did to safeguard the purity of the race, but we do it with ‘white gloves,’” he said.

That is HERESY.

God didn’t make retards. God created beautiful beings in His image.

We know there are things that affect health and pregnancy and we know that many of those things can be avoided. Saying God is behind everything bad that happens is the exact defeatist attitude that Francis wants people to adopt.

“There is nothing you can do about it, it’s God’s will,” he whispers.

According to him, true Christians don’t complain about what’s being done to them, true Christians don’t defend themselves, and true Christians embrace sorrow, suffering, and the disabled.

Also according to this “Pope,” true Christians sacrifice themselves for the primitive-skinned.

In his message Tuesday, the pope also warned about devaluing the lives of the elderly, making them feel more like a burden than cherished members of society.

“And let’s not forget the many ‘hidden exiles’ that live within our homes, our families, our societies,” Francis said. “I am thinking of people of all ages, especially the elderly, who, also because of their disability, are sometimes felt as a burden, as an ‘awkward presences,’ and risk being discarded.”

“I encourage all those who work with people with disabilities to continue in this important service and commitment, which determines the degree of civilization of a nation,” he said.

In the past, the elderly were valuable because of their wisdom and because of their past contributions to society.

Today we don’t have much of that kind of elderly.

Nowadays we have the boomer kind of elderly that can’t really be considered wise and whose contributions to society amount to stealing its wealth and spending their last days in some beach condo complaining about white people not being more like Mexicans.

Maybe after the last boomer dies, the elderly will go back to being venerable.