James Edwards
Political Cesspool
April 18, 2014
Frances Kelley was the host of the “Good Morning Memphis” show for many years on CBS’s WREG affiliate here in town. The current host of the show asked the now retired lady, on her 80th birthday last week, who was her favorite person to interview during in all her years as a television host.
She started off by saying Billy Graham, but then quickly switched to David Duke, and then went on to talk about how much she was impressed by him.
In response, Duke had this to say about Kelley:
It has been almost 40 years since she interviewed me on WREG in Memphis. My memory of her eloquence and kindness has not dimmed over these many years. I respected her then and I respect and honor her now. I wish her many more years of happiness and life.
In a recent interview this very proud African American woman was asked, “If you had to name your favorite person to interview, if you had to name one person, who would it be?
Among other things she said, and I quote, ‘There were things we disagreed upon, and things we agreed upon, but I believe we sensed in each other a commitment to a world not just for our own respective group but for all peoples.’
Even then, she had a much different sense of me than the media characterization of me. She sensed my humanity as I sensed hers as well.
Over the last 40 years I have grown and evolved in my thinking as do all people do who are eager to learn from life.
There are many people who read my articles or watch my videos who immediately see my commitment to human rights and freedom. My opposition to oppression of any people by any other people. The right of every people to its freedom and independence. My dedication, to biodiversity and human diversity and right of every people to preserve their unique expressions of humanity.
I can share a very similar story. A couple of years ago David Duke and I were having dinner together at a Memphis restaurant. A stranger recognized us and walked over to introduce himself. He explained that he supported us and that we should keep up the good work. He then shook our hands and paid for our meals.
This wouldn’t be unusual or otherwise noteworthy if it weren’t for the fact that this guy just so happened to be a prominent black preacher in the local community.
Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t feel as though our message needs to be sanctioned or endorsed by minorities in order to be valid. Everyone ought to be proud of who they are and everyone deserves to have advocates working on behalf of their unique group interests. I’m proud to be one doing so for my people.
It is, however, always nice to meet honest and free thinking people across racial lines. There seem to be at least two in Memphis and I’m thankful for them.

Think you know David Duke? Click here to read his new paradigm for human diversity and freedom.