Pussy Riot is Not a Band, They are Just Normal Sluts at War with Society

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 30, 2013

Press conference of hatred: Did they always look this good?  They look like they've spent the last 18 months at a French spa.  It is also suspiciously convenient the ugly dyke one (Yekaterina Samutsevich) is nowhere to be found.
Press conference of hatred: Did they always look this good? They look like they’ve spent the last 18 months at a French spa. It is also suspiciously convenient the ugly dyke one is nowhere to be found.

Thankfully – or perhaps not – Pussy Riot is no longer a band. They are simply everyday disgruntled sluts trying to destroy civilization for the Jews. It is interesting, perhaps, that I never understood how they were a band in the first place, given that they do not play instruments and don’t have any songs.

In a recent press conference, Nadya Tolokonnikova said “We are not Pussy Riot now.”

“We can promote our cause without playing any shows,” Maria Alyokhina added. “And we will never play any shows for money.”

Despite the fact that they are suspiciously more attractive than they were going into prison, suggesting that the Russian female prison system is similar to some type of luxury spa, they have made the boring decision to focus their present efforts on complaining about their time in prison, saying “waaahhhh, it is really bad to be in prison for committing a crime, waaahhh, people shouldn’t have to do that.”

Specifically, Nadya is outraged by the fact that she was forced to sew uniforms while incarcerated, claiming in a letter published by the Guardian in September that it was suspiciously similar to the Jewish Holocaust:

A threatening, anxious atmosphere pervades the work zone. Eternally sleep-deprived, overwhelmed by the endless race to fulfill inhumanly large quotas, prisoners are always on the verge of breaking down, screaming at each other, fighting over the smallest things. Just recently, a young woman got stabbed in the head with a pair of scissors because she didn’t turn in a pair of pants on time. Another tried to cut her own stomach open with a hacksaw. They stopped her.

No doubt accustomed to making a living laying on her back [NSFW], I can understand how she was so traumatized by being forced to push buttons and hold pieces of cloth, but these undocumented and unverifiable claims regarding scissor stabbings and attempted suicide by hacksaw stomach-slash strike me as rather unbelievable.

I wonder if any “political activists” were made into soap or lampshades in this horrible Sewocaust?

Oh the humanity: This picture is from April.  Women will know how long it takes to put on that much makeup.  For men, who will only know if they have been forced by a woman to wait for them to do such a thing, I can reveal here that it takes like two hours.
Oh the humanity: This picture is from April. Women will know how long it takes to put on that much makeup. For men, who will only know if they have been forced by a woman to wait for them to do such a thing, I can reveal here that it takes like two hours.
Yekaterina Samutsevich was released in of last year, but no one cared because she is ugly, and this whole thing is obviously about using sex to promote a Jewish political agenda (hence the name "Pussy Riot") in the same way they did in America in the 1960s.
Yekaterina Samutsevich was released just two months after being sentenced, but no one cared because she isn’t pretty, and this whole thing is obviously about using sex to promote a Jewish political agenda (hence the name “Pussy Riot”) in the same way they did in America in the 1960s.

During their Friday whine-fest, the girls also suggested that the Jew criminal Khodorkovsky replace Putin as president.

Speaking on Putin, Tolokonnikova said: “I think he believes that Western countries are a threat, that it’s a big bad world out there where houses walk on chicken legs and there is a global Masonic conspiracy. I don’t want to live in this terrifying fairytale.”

Instead of asking her what the hell she meant by implying Western countries were not a threat to Russia, she was asked who she would like to replace Putin, to which she replied “I’d like to offer Mikhail Borisovich [Khodorkovsky] the job.”

Her comrade then confirmed that she also would like to place a Jewish criminal as president of Russia.

More Pointless Sub-Cultural Icons for a Pointless Sub-Cultural Society

The girls’ first interview was fun.  It was with slutty anti-Putin socialite turned television star, Ksenia Sobchak, who bills herself as Russia’s Paris Hilton.

Ksenia Sobchak.  Apparently, all opposition to Putin is being staged by slutty women.  Oh, and that gays and Muslims and Jews.
Ksenia Sobchak. Apparently, all opposition to Putin is being staged by slutty women. Oh, and the gays, Muslims and Jews.

It appears to have been a setup to make the Pussy Rioters appear more reasonable than they actually are by sitting them next to a totally unhinged woman.

The three sat around and drank tea while Sobchak asked them how much they were worth, if it was sexist that Nadya was focused on more because of her luscious lips, and what they think the meaning of life is, before closing the interview by reading from a book about Nietzsche.

Pussy Riot NadyaBuzzfeed did a pretty funny piece about it.

Here’s the entire thing (without subtitles).


These two women (who do not want to be called Pussy Riot, but whose names we cannot pronounce) are now global cultural icons.  Regrettably.  Putin has released them not simply on the Russian people, but on all of us.

What do they want?

What are they actually even talking about?

Which Jews are funding them?

The same ones funding Femen, who appear to be part of the same unclear sexual/political/anti-religious agenda against the Slavic race?

Only time will tell.