Putin Says Hoholistan and America Refuse to Negotiate Peace

Russia has wanted peace this entire time, and they’ve more or less begged for it.

America just keeps saying they are fine with a nuclear war, and no price is too high for democracy in the Ukraine.

They completely refuse to comment on the fact that the Ukraine is not a democracy. They don’t have to comment because there is so much censorship that no one even knows that.


Russia is ready to negotiate with all parties involved in the war in Ukraine but Kyiv and its Western backers have refused to engage in talks, President Vladimir Putin said in an interview aired on Sunday.

Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine has triggered the most deadly conflict in Europe since World War Two and the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

It’s not just the biggest since 1962 – it’s the biggest ever.

We are literally on the brink of WWIII, and no one can explain what it is about. (It’s about Jews and you’re not allowed to say that.)

There is, thus far, little end in sight to the war.

The Kremlin says it will fight until all its aims are achieved while Kyiv says it will not rest until every Russian soldier is ejected from all of its territory, including Crimea which Russia annexed in 2014.

Related: Zelensky Says Hohols Now “Psychologically Ready” to Conquer Crimea

We are ready to negotiate with everyone involved about acceptable solutions, but that is up to them – we are not the ones refusing to negotiate, they are,” Putin told Rossiya 1 state television in the interview.

Putin said Russia was acting in the “right direction” in Ukraine because the West, led by the United States, was trying to cleave Russia apart. Washington denies it is plotting Russia’s collapse.

I believe that we are acting in the right direction, we are defending our national interests, the interests of our citizens, our people. And we have no other choice but to protect our citizens,” Putin said.

Asked if the geopolitical conflict with the West was approaching a dangerous level, Putin said: “I don’t think it’s so dangerous.”

Putin said the West had begun the conflict in Ukraine in 2014 by toppling a pro-Russian president in the Maidan Revolution protests.

Soon after that revolution, Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine and Russian-backed separatist forces began fighting Ukraine’s armed forces in eastern Ukraine.

Actually, the fundamental thing here is the policy of our geopolitical opponents which is aimed at pulling apart Russia, historical Russia,” Putin said.

Related: Hungary Says America Shouldn’t Have Tried to Turn Hoholistan Into a Military Base

Putin described Russia as a “unique country” and said the vast majority of its people were united in wanting to defend it.

As for the main part – the 99.9% of our citizens, our people who are ready to give everything for the interests of the Motherland – there is nothing unusual for me here,” Putin said.

This just once again convinces me that Russia is a unique country and that we have an exceptional people. This has been confirmed throughout the history of Russia’s existence.”

This really is existential for Russia. It might not have been to begin with, but it is now.

They don’t have any choice. They US knows this and that’s why they’re trying to use it as a means to remove Putin from power and collapse the Russian state.

It’s not going to work. It’s not clear why that isn’t obvious to the Jews.