Putin’s New Year’s Address (English Via AI!)

Putin’s New Year’s address is always special to me. No one can sway me from believing that he is the de facto international leader of White Christians. You can’t really make an argument against that, as there is no other White Christian leader.

He is of course fighting for Russia, but Russia’s victory is a victory for all Christians, because it is a defeat of America AKA “The Jews.” It’s clear that Americans are never going to do shit (Trump was the last stop on the train to hell), and therefore change can only come to America from the outside. That means someone must defeat this empire and allow for the Jews to be dislodged from power over us.

The address this year is especially special, as the English translation involves my favorite person using my favorite thing: AI.

It’s good quality.

And it will hopefully bring some awareness to the fact that video is no longer proof that something happened. I keep thinking that maybe the politicians will realize that their blackmail is no longer valid and start going rogue. The fact that blackmail video tapes can’t really be a thing anymore is one of many upshots of the AI revolution. One of the many that you’ll only find me talking about.