Queen of England Chooses Islam-Loving Son as Next Head of Commonwealth

Though most outsiders believe that the Queen of England’s role is to sit back and watch as her once proud nation transforms into a Paki-infested caliphate within a single lifetime, this is an inaccurate and unfair assumption.

The Queen also serves as the head of the Commonwealth of Nations, a somewhat enigmatic organization whose mission sounds like something out of Das Kapital: “We help to strengthen governance, build inclusive institutions and promote justice and human rights,” claims the official website. “Our work helps to grow economies and boost trade, empower young people, and address threats such as climate change, debt and inequality.”

I think we all know what that means.

Having turned 92 yesterday, however, the Queen is certainly getting on in age. The Commonwealth needs a new leader to help fulfill its vision of a mongrelized and cosmopolitan Britain.

How about Prince Charles, a man so fond of Allah that he makes Sadiq Khan look like an apostate?

BBC News:

The Prince of Wales will succeed the Queen as head of the Commonwealth, its leaders have announced.

The Queen had said it was her “sincere wish” that Prince Charles would follow her in the role.

Leaders of the Commonwealth have been discussing the issue at a meeting behind closed doors at Windsor Castle.

The head role is non-hereditary so is not automatically passed on when the Queen dies, with suggestions it might have rotated among the 53 leaders.

In a statement, the leaders said they “recognise the role of the Queen in championing the Commonwealth and its people”.

Prime Minister Theresa May and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had earlier given their backing to Prince Charles.

Speaking at a news conference marking the end of the summit, Mrs May praised the Queen for her “vision and duty” in growing the Commonwealth from eight members to 53.

She said it was “fitting” Prince Charles would succeed her due to his “proud support” of the Commonwealth “for more than four decades”.

The Commonwealth represents about 2.4bn people, but critics say the organisation is so disparate that it struggles to know what it is for, BBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond said.

He also said the news of the prince’s appointment would be “of great satisfaction” to the Queen.

If you don’t know much about Prince Charles, here’s a few choice images that’ll give you an idea of what we’re dealing with:

He’s largely seen as a non-serious figure in the UK, a big-eared buffoon who latches onto cultural fads to remain relevant in the public sphere. That the Queen refuses to step down from the throne to prevent him (the next in line) from becoming king has been a running joke for decades.

At the end of the day, though, it doesn’t matter whether the new head of the Commonwealth is an idealistic buffoon like Charles or a malicious kike like Soros. The outcome will still be an unmitigated disaster for a nation that’s already been beaten half to death by globalism and Cultural Marxism.