Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 2, 2020

Racism might only be skin deep, but an unarmed teen in Kenya recently found that it will cut to the bone when he was shot to death by racist Kenyan cops.
Imagine that white racism is so virulent, it even affects the brains of black cops in an all black country.
Of course, we know this was a racist shooting, as that is the only reason a black person is ever shot: because of hatred for the color of his skin.
The bullet struck the 13-year-old as he stood on the balcony of his family’s home with his siblings. Below, police officers moved through the crowded neighborhood, enforcing Kenya’s new coronavirus curfew.
Go upstairs, the children’s mother had shouted minutes earlier, as gunfire echoed in the streets. “We thought it was safer,” the boy’s 19-year-old sister, Aisha Hussein, told The Associated Press.
But on the balcony the children noticed a targeting light, heard another gunshot and scattered. All but 13-year-old Yasin Hussein Moyo, who “just stood there, stunned,” his sister said.
As he bled from the abdomen and their mother rushed up, the boy said, “Look mum, it hit me.”
It’s weird that ABC News is now translating ebonics. What he actually said was, “bitch, I is leakin!”
His family mourned him Tuesday on the outskirts of Nairobi, washing his small body according to Muslim rite, carrying him in a crowd through the street to the cemetery and burying him in the dirt with their bare hands.
The killing might be the latest example of police abuse of coronavirus restrictions seen in several African nations in the past week.
The father, Hussein Moyo, was furious.
“They come in screaming and beating us like cows, and we are law-abiding citizens,” he said. His son died a few hours after midnight.
Police shot him, a neighbor in the adjacent apartment block said.
“I could see police aiming at the building,” Hadijah Mamo said. She heard gunfire and saw tear gas, and minutes later “I heard people screaming that the boy had been shot.”
Kenya on Friday began imposing a 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew, and violence quickly followed.
Police fired tear gas at a crowd of hundreds of commuters who tried to reach a ferry in the port city of Mombasa before the first night of curfew began. Elsewhere, officers were captured in mobile phone footage whacking people with batons.
Another death has been blamed on police enforcement of the curfew. A motorcycle taxi driver, Hamisi Juma Mbega, died from his injuries after being beaten. He had breached the curfew by taking a pregnant woman to a hospital in Mombasa, according to a post-mortem report obtained by the AP.
So black police in a black country are abusing these martial law measures, but in America, where we are told all cops are evil racists who kill people for no reason every day anyway, we’re told that no one is going to abuse a system of martial law?
Makes sense.