Radio Aryan Roundtable: Traitors to Democracy

Radio Aryan
June 27, 2016


Sven Longshanks, Azzmador and Grandpa Lampshade present this week’s Roundtable, starting with a look at current events in Britain following the momentous vote to leave the EU.

The Labour Party is self-destructing before our very eyes, with half of Jeremy Corbyn’s cabinet resigning and one getting the sack. The Brexit Conservatives seem to have disappeared, with Boris and Gove keeping a low profile, while the BBC have been camped out in front of Westminster all weekend not knowing what to do next. Nicola Sturgeon can hardly contain her hatred for the English and is threatening another Scottish referendum, but Scotland was never in the EU in the first place and it’s not within her powers to call one anyway.

Low IQ Black MP and former ‘Higher Education and Skills Minister’ David Lammy has demonstrated a shocking disregard for the rule of law and amazing ignorance of the democratic process, by asking other MPs to simply vote in parliament not to leave. It may be fine in Nigeria to break the law and ignore a democratic mandate but not in Britain Mr Lammy. The circus is still in town and all these subjects post-Brexit result are covered by our hosts before moving on to Grandpa, who has a heat-warming tale of holohoaxery for us this week.

Joseph Hirt not only managed to sneak out of Aushwitz to see the Olympic games but also had personal meetings with Dr Mengele. He finally managed to escape the gas ovens by sneaking under an electric fence and lived to tell his extraordinary tale and make a fortune from the proceeds. This scheming shyster even had the cheek to say that he was lying in order to keep the truth alive! It wasn’t a revisionist who discovered his false witness though but another believer, and Grandpa points out that if his detective work had taken place in Europe, he would now be locked up rather than being in the media.

Our third news story this week from Azzmador is the revelation that Youtube and Google now have automated software that they claim is for removing ‘extremist’ content and ‘lectures inciting violence’. As usual they have employed ambiguous wording so that normies think they are talking about Islamic beheading videos, but as we know, these types of videos never disappear, only videos criticising White genocide get taken down.

The three hosts point out how important it is that we support free speech sites and encourage those with the technical skills to set up alternative social media apps to fill the gap. Censorship always increases and if new sites just have us on them now, it will be those being just mildly critical of the government that will be using them with us in a few years time. It is no good just preaching to the choir, we have to find ways of getting our message out to everyone.

Presented by Sven Longshanks, Grandpa Lampshade and Azzmador

Radio Aryan Roundtable: Traitors to Democracy – RT 062716

Download (01:08:37)

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