RamZPaul Attacks Hero Robert Ransdell – Why?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2014

Robert Ransdell is a Hero of the People.  The fact that anyone claiming to care about a future for White children would attack him sickens me to my very core.
Robert Ransdell is a Hero of the People. The fact that anyone claiming to care about a future for White children would attack him sickens me to my very core.

For whatever strange reasons may drive him, the YouTube user RamZPaul has come out and attacked Robert Ransdell for doing the right thing.

In a video entitled “With Clowns We Go Down,” Ram moaned about the publicity Hero Ransdell has been getting, suggested that he looked like a Jew (he doesn’t, at all), and implied that he may be some sort of secret agent trying to defame Jews.

Here at the Daily Stormer we have a policy of not attacking others who work in the Nationalist scene unless they go completely overboard.  I have never attacked RamZPaul, but he has decided to attack another, and thus I feel I must address it.

Ram’s argument is that Ransdell makes the nationalist movement look bad by not being soft enough.  As a hardcore extremist, I would never attack Ram for taking a soft and feminine approach, even though I am aware of no instance in the history of civilization where political change was accomplished through weak and womanish pleading (seriously – maybe Ram can provide an example of when such tactics were effective).  I understand that we are on the same side, and that maybe there are some people who will be swayed by Ram’s ladylike approach and endless pleading, and that this could potentially have a positive effect on the movement in some way.

But for Ram, it is not enough to do his own thing, he wishes to try and bring down those who would take the traditional masculine approach to political revolution, attempting to bully them into surrendering to his Jared Taylor-style intellectual circle-jerk, which has so far accomplished exactly nothing of relevance, served only to boost the personal egos of those partaking in the circle-jerk.

These pretentious figures will literally attack Hitler and Mussolini – along with anyone else who ever got anything done – as “plebeians,” and claim that they know better than those who got things done – that we do not need masculinity and power, instead we need endless intellectual arguments that normal people have never cared about and never will.

The bizarre part is that Ram cries as if Robert is in some way thwarting him.  The reality here is that there is nothing to thwart – the boys of American Renaissance and their comrades at Counter-Currents could go on talking and talking about all of the lovely intellectual reasons for White Nationalism for a million years, and the average person would still not care.  They would never, in that million years, ever achieve the amount of publicity that Robert Ransdell has achieved in a week and a half.

Sorry, Ram, but it is your own limp-wristed approach which has resulted in your lack of popular support.

Ram’s audience is made up of 45-year-old feminized computer programmers and male stewardesses who don’t like the Black guys who glare at them threateningly at the gas station and though they would never say anything about them publicly get a cheap thrill from Ram’s poignant though restrained condemnation of Black behavior.  Though I do not have a definite problem with such individuals, and have no desire to alienate them, I am not going to pretend as if they are going to fix a White Nation either.

In order to achieve revolution, we need the support of the masses, and that can only be done through the direct approach of simply stating facts as Hero Robert does in the video that Ram mocks.  We particularly need the support of young men who are ready to give their entire selves and their lives if necessary to the struggle.  Such men are not going to be rallied by emasculated YouTubers going on  about “well, someone should better do something, but let’s keep talking about it in circles for another thirty years first” – they are going to be inspired by men such as Ransdell who get out there on the streets and tell it like it is.

These are the type of men who get things done.  Since the beginning of time, it has been these type of men who have changed the course of history.
This is the type of man who get things done. Since the beginning of time, it has been this type of man who has changed the course of history.
This type of man should do his best to support the above type of man, so as to keep himself from getting cannibalized by Blacks.
This type of man should do his best to support the above type of man, so as to keep himself from getting cannibalized by Blacks.

Again, I am not writing this to attack RamZPaul.  I have no personal issues with the man and would love for him to acknowledge that we are on the same side, with the same basic goals, and show a desire to cooperate with us.  I am not very good at appealing to emasculated men, but I see that there could be some value in that, and so I see no problem with Ram playing that role.

I would also like to note that though Ram suspects we will accuse him of trying to Jew us, I am not going there.  I do not personally believe there much of a chance at all that Ram is a Jew agent.  Rather, I believe that he is of a personality type incompatible with cooperation, being driven by a level of ego that prevents him from acknowledging the objective realities I have outlined here.