Rand Paul Shuts Down the Government!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2018

Libertarian goes rouge!

Imagine my shock!

New York Times:

The federal government officially shut down early Friday morning for the second time in three weeks after a single senator, Rand Paul of Kentucky, held up a vote on a far-reaching budget deal that would have staved it off.

Senators are still expected to vote in favor of the deal in a series of votes that will most likely begin around 1 a.m. The House is to follow before daybreak, though the outcome in that chamber is less certain. If the House approves the deal, the government will have reopened before the workday begins.

But Mr. Paul, a Republican, will have made his point. Angered at the huge spending increases at the center of the deal, Mr. Paul delayed passage for hours with a demand to vote on an amendment that would keep in place strict caps on spending that the deal would raise.

“The reason I’m here tonight is to put people on the spot,” Mr. Paul said. “I want people to feel uncomfortable. I want them to have to answer people at home who said, ‘How come you were against President Obama’s deficits and then how come you’re for Republican deficits?’”

The shutdown comes on the heels of a three-day closure brought about by Senate Democrats last month. As midnight approached, Mr. Paul did not relent, bemoaning from the Senate floor what he saw as out-of-control government spending and repeatedly rebuffing attempts by his fellow senators to move ahead with a vote.

“I think the country’s worth a debate until 3 in the morning, frankly,” he said.

Senate leaders were left helpless.

Rand Paul does this sort of shit to try and build a brand to run for President on.

It is really boring.

I mean, I agree with him on some of the issues. On this particular issue, I don’t have any strong feelings because I don’t care. But the point is, he only does it as a brand marketing scheme, and that just becomes annoying.