Recent Talks at the London Forum: Mark Weber, Paul Fromm and Javier Nichols

Daily Stormer
April 18, 2015

These are speeches from the April 11th meeting of the London Forum

Mark Weber

Mark Weber — historian, publisher, activist and organizer – is perhaps best known as director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent, public-interest educational centre based in southern California. His many articles, reviews and essays dealing with historical, political and social issues have appeared in a variety of periodicals, and in a range of languages. He has produced dozens of broadcast talks. Weber has given many lectures and interviews on US foreign policy, social-political trends in the US, and international relations. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk shows, and has appeared many times on television. In his second appearance at a “London Forum” event, Weber will look at the astonishing role and influence of the “Jewish lobby,” and explain why the task of identifying and countering Jewish-Zionist power is so vitally important.

Paul Fromm

Paul Fromm – ‘Fighting for free speech in a Soft Tyranny: Privileged minorities rule in Canadukistan’
“I have two issues; immigration and free speech: too much immigration and not enough free speech,” Thus Paul Fromm, author and English teacher, neatly sums up his stance. Mr. Fromm heads the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee and the Canadian Association for Free Expression, Canada’s leading defender of free speech. He has battled Canada’s Internet censors and supported political prisoners Ernst Zundel and David Irving. He has been the object of arson attacks and death threats from the notorious ARA, (Anti-Racist Action), who in August staged a protest outside a house he hasn’t lived in for 9 years! As part of state pay-back for his free speech work, he has been routinely hassled by the Canadian Customs, and has had books, including his copy of Irish Fairy Tales, seized as possible “hate propaganda.”. After years of pressure from Jewish lobby groups who hated his support for victims of censorship and his opposition to the Third World invasion of Canada, he was recently fired from his teaching position. In 2014, Mr. Fromm ran for mayor of the city of Mississauga, population 720,000, on a campaign of opposition to immigration, the undisputed cause of traffic gridlock, the number one issue for voters in the city. and

Javier Nichols

Javier Nichols – “Richard Wagner and his influence on England”
Long-time chairman of the Spanish Wagner Society and Vice President of the Wagner Society of Madrid; author of several books on history, literature, culture, politics and social affairs; Javier Nichols, who was also the Director of the magazine CEDADE for many years, will here discuss Richard Wagner’s cultural and political influence on key English figures such as George Bernard Shaw, Bulwer-Lytton, William Morris, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and of course JRR Tolkien.

And from February 12th at the Yorkshire Forum, Here’s Richard Edmonds

In this speech to ‘The Yorkshire Forum’ Richard Edmonds takes us on a humorous trip covering his experiences in Nationalism – including his various encounters with the Nelson Mandela statue on the South Bank in London – and a survey of Nationalism worldwide today. He explains that one of the key tasks the world faces is ”to get rid of the old guard” political parties that have dominated politics for far too long, and to that end we must build alliances and ride the tide of groups such as UKIP.