Remembering George Lincoln Rockwell on the 50th Anniversary of His Assassination

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 25, 2017

On August 25th, 1967, George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated in the parking lot of a strip mall.

Today, a small group gathered there to remember him.

I would have been there if I could have.

George Lincoln Rockwell was a bigger influence on me than anyone. Even bigger than Hitler, if I am honest.

For it was George Lincoln Rockwell who taught me my technique. Him and 4chan.

As I wrote recently on my personal non-political blog, I am not actually a “Neo-Nazi White Supremacist,” nor do I even know what that is. I am also not “driven by hatred.” I am simply a normal person, who believes that the white race and white western civilization is something worth saving, and believes that this task is impossible as long as we have Jews in our countries.

However, people have been trying to explain that sort of thing in simple, frank terms for a very long time since the death of Rockwell, and it has never amounted to anything. Because the media simply ignores it. It is also boring. No one cares about black crime statistics or nonwhite IQ numbers. These are not the things from which a revolution is made.

Rockwell was an ad man before he was a Nazi. And he used extremely efficient marketing techniques to get his ideas heard. He created a spectacle. He made himself into a super-villain. He wore a Nazi uniform and drove a Hate Bus.

And the media paid attention to him.

This is what I saw as necessary to do on the internet in order to get my ideas heard and to get people excited about white revolution.

And it has worked. It has worked brilliantly.

We are now one of the biggest news stories in the world.

We have formed a political force which is not going away.

Rockwell’s books are all excellent, and I recommend them. In particular, “This Time the World” and “White Power.” When you understand that these were written in the 1960s, they read like prophecy.

He said that the Negroes were being used by the Jews as a battering ram against White America.

Of course now, they are being used as a nuclear ICBM against White America – but the point still stands.

Rockwell was such a genius, so charismatic, and his plan so bulletproof, that the Jews had no choice but to kill him.

If he had lived, he might have saved this country. He was in the process of dropping the “Nazi” bit and moving into serious politics when he was killed. He would almost certainly have become governor of Virginia, and he may well have become President.

But he didn’t.

He died.

And now we are where we are, and we need to carry that same spirit that he had to victory.

Right now is the time.

The Black Sun has signaled it.

This will be an age of blood and fire, and from the ashes, a new order shall rise.

Rockwell was ready to die for his people. And he did die for his people.

You all need to be ready to die for your people. Because the way it is looking now, many of us will.

The Jew is utterly out of control. He is on a bloody rampage.

We didn’t start this war. We were born into this war. But we have no choice but to fight it.

And to finish it.

Rest in peace, George Lincoln Rockwell.

Some day we’re going to tear down that statue of Martin Luther Coon in Washington, DC, and put one of you in its place.

I swear it.

Hail Victory.