Repairing Lockdown Damage to Kids’ Education Will Disrupt UK Schools Until Mid-2030s, Report Says

You thought there couldn’t have been a generation more gay, retarded, and socially awkward than Gen Z.

I don’t know, maybe you didn’t think that. I actually thought the next generation would be worse.

Anyway, they’re a lot worse.

These people are not even capable of pretending to be humans.

The Guardian:

Repairing the damage to children’s education caused by the pandemic lockdowns and closures will disrupt England’s schools until the mid-2030s, according to a new report.

The analysis, published by the Association for School and College Leaders (ASCL), forecasted that the after-effects of the pandemic will hit schools in a series of waves, with different age groups requiring varying solutions for their problems with learning, behaviour and absence.

Tim Oates, the report’s author and an expert on assessment, said: “While secondary schools are reporting an increase in reading difficulties among year 7 pupils, poor personal organisation and challenging patterns of interaction, staff in primary schools are reporting very serious problems of arrested language development, lack of toilet training, anxiety in being in social spaces, and depressed executive function.”

Oates said it was a mistake to think schools have returned to pre-pandemic normality that ignores “the massive scale and enduring persistence of Covid-19 impact in education”. Recovery “will be a long slog, not a walk in the park”, requiring “protracted, grinding effort” and cooperation between schools, parents and the government, he added.

Related: 78% of US Teachers Say Kids Less Prepared to Start Elementary School Compared to Previous Years

The Guardian has reported concerns among school leaders and experts that there could be further classroom disruption in the coming school year, as a “behaviour bubble” of pupils affected by the Covid-era lockdowns at primary school reach the peak ages for suspensions and exclusions.

But Oates’ report said that even babies born during the pandemic now starting in primary schools were likely to be profoundly affected throughout their education.

“Covid-19 impact is not a thing of the past; it is moving like a series of different waves up through the system,” Oates said.

“Eleven-year-olds affected by interrupted learning are entering secondary school with very different problems to those born and young in the pandemic entering primary schools, who are displaying acute developmental needs,” said Oates, the director of assessment research and development at the University of Cambridge’s assessment examination board.

Those born during the pandemic “now appear to be prone to fundamental problems in cognitive and social development, he said, bringing educational challenges that “will continue to unfold over the next five to 10 years as children whose early development was affected by the pandemic pass through school”.

It should probably be remembered that this was done on purpose.

They did it on purpose.

Not that it even matters.

It’s not like anyone ever gets punished for anything.
