Report: Elon Began His Revenge Mission Against Biden in 2021 When Biden Said GM Invented Electric Cars

Maybe Brandon didn’t praise you Elon because he thinks you’re fat and you suck.

But seriously, I don’t think the last 3 years of Elon’s involvement in politics have been related to comments Biden made in 2021.

New York Post:

Elon Musk turned against President Biden because he felt snubbed when the commander-in-chief credited his Tesla competitor for electrifying “the entire automobile industry,” according to a report.

Biden praised General Motors CEO Mary Barra for leading the charge in electric vehicle (EV) innovation in November 2021, despite Tesla having about two-thirds of the EVs on the roads, according to the Washington Post.

You electrified the entire automobile industry. I’m serious. You led, and it matters,” Biden said about Barra while calling Detroit the leading city in the world for electric vehicles.

Biden was probably having a senior moment and thinking of this.

Biden’s comments sparked outrage among Tesla’s hierarchy, especially Musk, mainly because Tesla delivered more than 115,000 EVs in the US compared to General Motors 26 at that time, according to the report.

However, tension began festering for Musk — who has publicly stated in the past that he voted for Biden in the 2020 election — as soon as the administration started bolstering plans to boost electric vehicles around America.

Musk started feeling he was being snubbed out of plans in August 2021, when the president hosted an event with three major car companies: General Motors, Ford Motor, and Chrysler parent Stellantis.

Musk and Tesla were excluded from the event.

Yeah, well.

I don’t think the entire 3 years of Musk’s political transformation were caused by this.

I’m actually offended that the New York Post would think I would believe that.

I’m also offended that Elvis Dunderhoff drafted this article as if it was new news.

Andrew Anglin wrote the text of this article and also replaced the “Elon creepy face” thumbnail because he is sick of these “creepy face” thumbnails and doesn’t understand why they are on every article now.