Republican Senators Accuse Russia of “Genocide” in the Ukraine

Remember when Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, said that “we all agree” that “the most important thing happening in the world is the situation in the Ukraine”?

The most important thing in the world.

Does this affect your life? What is even going on here? How do these people have the nerve?

Bro, listen – if you are having genocide problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but the Ukraine ain’t one.

You feel me?


Seven US Senators introduced a resolution on Friday accusing Russia of committing “a genocide against the people of Ukraine.” The allegations, which mirror a similar one introduced in the House of Representatives last month, have been refuted by Moscow, which has accused Ukraine of committing the same offenses.

The resolution was sponsored by Senators Jim Risch, a Republican from Idaho and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat who chairs the Helsinki Commission, a US government agency that says it “promotes human rights, military security, and economic cooperation” in Europe and Eurasia.

Senators Roger Wicker (R-Missouri), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) also signed on to the resolution, as did Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut), two outspoken opponents of Russia who have pushed Congress to classify Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, a step which some US allies have balked at.

I’m so fucking sick of this shit.

In 2021, my childhood best friend died of fentanyl and my grandma died from the coronavirus vaccine.

These faggots in the Republican Party want to tell me about how I need to care more about the Ukraine?

Fuck the Ukraine. Russia should genocide them. They should literally just kill everyone there with poison gas or a sonic beam weapon.

I don’t care. If someone told me “Russia just killed everyone in the Ukraine with poison gas,” my word association would be “gas prices are too high.”

I don’t care about the Ukraine. At all. Not even the littlest, tiniest bit. Everyone in that country dying would mean literally nothing to me. I would not spend even a fraction of a second thinking about it if every single person in the Ukraine was gassed to death with a poisonous gas.

Insofar as I am capable of caring about the Ukraine in any way whatsoever, I support a genocide. I don’t strongly support it, because I am just completely incapable of having any strong feelings whatsoever about this country. But if a pollster called me and was like “should the entire Ukrainian population be genocided with some sort of poisonous gas or maybe a sonic beam or whatever?” I would say “slightly agree.”

Who gives a fuck about this?

Anyone who tells you they do is lying. No one cares about this. No one. It is impossible to actually care about people you don’t know, and don’t even know anything about. It’s a lie and a hoax that people actually care about things that have no relationship to them. It is physiologically impossible. If your brain produces chemicals of empathy for strangers that you have never met, you are being directly and aggressively emotionally manipulated.

This is simply sickening that people I care about are DYING from things that are PREVENTABLE, and these Republicans are going to tell me to start crying about the Ukraine.

I support genocide with chemical gas on principle now, just because they kept telling me to care about this.

This is what happens. Everyone hates the Democrats. No one ever liked these people. But the Republicans absolutely refuse to do anything for their own supporters, ever, under any circumstances, and instead start whining about some country no one has ever even heard of.

No one gives a shit about the war in Yemen. No one gave a shit when the US invaded Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands of people for literally no reason. No one gave a shit when the US funded terrorists and bombed in support of terrorists to overthrow the government of Libya for literally no reason, destabilizing all of North Africa. No one gave a shit when the US funded ISIS to invade Syria and completely destroy the country.

Why am I supposed to give a shit about the Ukraine? Seriously, why? This has nothing at all to do with my life or my problems.

Lindsey Graham you faggot cocksucker – go on Tucker Carlson and explain to the American people why they should care about “Kyiv, Ukraynya.”


Fs in the chat if you are old enough to remember when Jay-Z wasn’t a faggot.

Frankly, I would feel a morbillion times better about the GOP if Lindsey Graham was signing declarations accusing Jay-Z of being a pussy faggot and demanding he make cool songs again. That would affect my personal life. My quality of living would be enhanced if Jay-Z stopped being a faggot, whereas I would not even know there was a war in the Ukraine if CNN and Lindsey Graham weren’t harassing me about it.

That’s real life, friend.