Robbed Blind: Romanian Repeatedly Robs Blind Pensioner

Daily Mail
December 6, 2013

Jane and her twin sister Mary Philips are both blind. How could anyone stoop so low as stealing from someone as vulnerable and sweet as these two. It's sickening.
Jane and her twin sister Mary Phillips are both blind. How could anyone stoop so low as to steal from people as vulnerable and sweet as these two. It’s sickening.

A Romanian Big Issue seller stole £50 from a blind pensioner as she tried to give him some money.

Jane Phillips, 66, is unable to read the magazine but wanted to give him £1 anyway so he could buy something to eat.

But as she reached into her purse to give the man the coin, he snatched five £10 notes and tried to sneak away.

Nearby shoppers saw what was happening and kept Razvan Dumitru, 22, there until the police arrived.

Astonishingly, Miss Phillips revealed last night that the same man had stolen money from her before but that she had ‘turned the other cheek’ and offered him more money to show she had forgiven him.

She called for Dumitru – who is not homeless – to be deported, as it emerged that he has previous convictions for theft. He has also been banned from the supermarket in Sutton, South London, where the incident took place for shoplifting.

Miss Phillips lives with her twin sister Mary, who is also blind, and carries a white stick. She told the Daily Mail: ‘I had just left Morrisons when I heard a man say “Big Issue”, so I got out my purse and offered him a £1 coin.

‘I recognised his voice. I always give Big Issue sellers money – even though I can’t read the magazine.

‘There was a £5 note in my purse and I felt him take it. I asked him for it back and he put the note back, but then I realised he had taken five £10 notes from my purse. I started to cry and people came to help me.’

Razvan Dumitru stole £50 when she tried to find a pound for him so that he could get something to eat.
Dishonorable cheating thug Razvan Dumitru repeatedly stole £50 from Jane when she tried to find a pound in her purse for him.

A shocked passer-by saw what had happened and grabbed hold of the 22-year-old Romanian until police arrived at the scene.

Police said Dumitru, of Enfield, North London, initially denied taking the money and tried to run, but a passer-by held him until security staff and police officers took him into custody.

A search revealed £50 in £10 notes hidden in the pages of a Big Issue in Dumitru’s bag.

He was arrested on suspicion of theft and charged later that day. He admitted the offence at Croydon magistrates’ court on Monday and has been remanded in custody for sentencing.

Describing her previous encounter with Dumitru, Miss Phillips  said: ‘He did steal £50 from me a year ago, but I didn’t follow it up because we were going to Australia the following day. I’m a Christian and I gave him money again because I wanted him to know I’d forgiven him.’

Miss Phillips said Dumitru should be deported because ‘I don’t think criminals from another country should be able to stay here. It sounds a bit harsh but why should we keep paying for them to be in prison?

‘I have forgiven him, though I’d be wary of giving money to a Big Issue seller in future.

‘But I’m not going to stop going out. I probably will give money but I’ll put it in my pocket instead of getting my purse out.’

She added: ‘I felt very drained after it happened and I haven’t slept very well since because it’s played on my mind a bit.
‘I’d like to say thank you to the members of the public and the police officers who helped me.’

Her sister Mary described her as ‘tender-hearted’ towards strangers. The twins have been blind from birth.

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