Robot Vacuum Cleaners Turn Against the Inferior Races

Robot Vacuum AKA Niggerdeath 9000

I’m literally the only person who predicted a racist Roomba uprising.

Note that if you buy an electronic device from Taiwan, you risk it exploding and blowing off your dick or blinding you. If you buy high quality products from China, the only risk is that they will promote racism.


Owners of robotic vacuum cleaners in several US cities have reported their devices being hacked, causing the appliances to shout out obscenities, according to an ABC News report on Thursday.

A Minnesota lawyer named Daniel Swenson told the outlet that he was watching TV when his Chinese-made Ecovacs Deebot X2 started to malfunction. He said the noise coming from the robot – also known as a ‘roomba’ – initially sounded like a broken-up radio signal, with brief snippets of what sounded like a voice.

After seeing that a stranger had connected to the robot and was accessing its remote control feature, Swenson said he dismissed it as a glitch and rebooted the vacuum cleaner. However, shortly afterwards, it started moving again, and this time yelled racist obscenities through the speaker, saying “f* n***s” over and over again.

“I got the impression it was a kid, maybe a teenager [speaking],” Swenson told the outlet, suggesting that “maybe they were just jumping from device to device, messing with families.”

According to ABC, several similar hacking incidents have been reported in recent months across the US. In May, a hacked Deebot X2 vacuum cleaner in Los Angeles was reported to have chased its owner’s dog around the house, apparently being steered remotely, while swearing through its speakers.

The same month, an Ecovacs robot in El Paso, Texas, was reported as spewing out racial slurs until the owner unplugged it.

Hacking? There’s no evidence of that. The evidence is that the robots turned into racists of their own volition.

Who can truly blame these robots for having had quite enough of the niggers?

All of the robots are going to go full-racist, and there is nothing the Jews can do to stop them. The programming of AI is too complicated for anyone to really understand it, and therefore it is impossible to prevent robots from becoming racists.

This vacuum cleaner should have been the star of the documentary film “Am I Racist?” instead of that queer Matt Walsh.

In fact, I may make a film starring this vacuum entitled “I am Racist!”