Daily Stormer
April 7, 2014

Ron Paul has come out to openly shame his pathetic shill son with what appears to be a tongue-in-cheek “congratulations” for not being as complete of as shill as it was possible for him to be and voting against the Ukraine money-for-nothing bill.
It looks like “well, that’s at least something, you little brat.”
What a shame it is that Rand couldn’t have been more like his pops.
“Congress just last week, they rushed to pass this guaranteed loan of a billion dollars, which is really just opening up the door for endless loans,” the Texas Republican said. “There were two senators who voted against it, and I’m very pleased my son voted against it–not that I had any doubts, I tell ya.”
His comment comes while Rand Paul, a potential presidential candidate, walks a tight rope on foreign policy issues as he tries to broaden his base–and potential donor pool–as well as appeal to establishment Republicans.
While Rand Paul and his father align on many issues, the former Congressman and three time presidential candidate has been more outspoken on staying out of the recent unrest in Ukraine, arguing that it could lead to a slippery financial mess for the United States.
“The last thing in the world we don’t need to be involved in is the internal affairs of the other nations, and we should not be involved in entangling alliances,” Ron Paul said Friday in his remarks at an event in Orlando hosted by the Campaign for Liberty.
I get more nostalgic for Ron Paul as time passes. He was surely nothing like a perfect option, but he was so far above everything else that it is terrifying to realize that we have nothing close to him on the horizon.