🇺🇦🇷🇺 Desertions increase in Ukraine.
Ukrainian prosecutors opened 60,000 cases between January and October this year against soldiers for abandoning their positions, almost twice as many as they initiated in 2022 and 2023 combined. https://t.co/7BM3LzPSHY pic.twitter.com/xjNhe4miDA
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) December 1, 2024
Related: White House Orders the Ukraine to Start Drafting 18-Year-Olds
So-called “Ukrainians” have been getting wasted by the Jews for centuries. They seem to like it.
But apparently, some of them are getting tired of the current arrangement of fighting and dying because their Russian Jew leader was told by the Russian Jews in the United States to throw them at Russia.
More than twice as many Ukrainian soldiers have been charged with desertion this year than in 2022 and 2023 combined, the Financial Times has reported. The spike in desertions has hampered Kiev’s ability to replenish its thinned-out ranks.
Ukrainian prosecutors opened 60,000 cases against deserters between January and October of this year, the British newspaper reported on Saturday, noting that those convicted face prison terms of up to 12 years.
For some of these men, desertion is seen as the only way of getting off the front lines to rest. Ukrainian lawmakers dropped a provision from a bill earlier this year that would have allowed the country’s longest-serving conscripts to be demobilized in the coming months, and service members told the Financial Times that the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) lacks the manpower to give troops shorter four-week rotations off the front lines for rest and retraining.
Those killed are replaced by ill-trained and unfit draftees. In an earlier article, Ukrainian commanders told the Financial Times that on some busy sectors of the front, 50 to 70% of these new conscripts are killed or wounded within days of starting their first rotation. Those who survive often go AWOL as soon as they can, the newspaper reported.
Sounds like a meat-grinder, huh?
These niggas getting straight-up smurfed.
This shit is embarrassing.
It’s really incredible to me these people are not on rooftops sniping cops.
Imagine seeing this video and then saying Ukraine doesn’t conscript young men. Holy cope batman pic.twitter.com/76biJH17zc
— Reformed Poster (@loot_play82832) December 1, 2024