Russia: Parent Organization Demands Fast Food Have Health Warning Labels Like Cigarettes

This is the woman who leads the organization

Russian women are better than any other group of white women. As we recently reported, a bunch of them are irredeemable whores, and the idea that Eastern Europeans are somehow “pure” is nonsensical. But on the whole, Russian women are better than Western women.

Whereas Asian women are clearly biologically less inclined towards total unhinged slutism, Russians are genetically almost exactly the same as Western Europeans (yes, some Slav cultural differences are probably genetic, but they are so tiny as to be undetectable).

So why do Russian women act marginally better?

Russian women no longer wear their traditional burka-style garb. And many of them are whores. But they’re still better than Western women.

The reason is: Russian men maintain some authority over women – something that we do not have in the West, at all.

White women will be as horrible as they are allowed to be. But in an ordered society, where they are restrained, they can sometimes do useful things.

Sputnik News:

Fast food came to Russia during perestroika, with the first McDonald’s and Pizza Hut opening up in Moscow in 1990. Since then, thousands of fast food joints, both foreign and domestic, have set up shop across the country.

Irina Volynets, founder of the National Parents Committee social movement, has proposed new regulations which would force fast food companies to apply health warning labels to their products, and provide detailed ingredient information.

In a letter addressed to the health minister, the chief of Russia’s federal consumer protection agency, and the Duma’s health protection committee, Volynets said that fast food contains large amounts of trans fats, carcinogens, salt, and sugars harmful to children. She proposes mandating a label reading “Contains harmful to health” taking up at least 17 percent of the package, as well as pictures with health warnings about possible impact to health, on applicable products.

“In order to best ensure the rights and legitimate interests of children, preserve their health and the health of the people of Russia as a whole, I request that you initiate the development and implementation of a regulation that will oblige manufacturers to indicate the detailed composition of products on packaging, including at point of sale, and to place warnings and pictures on relevant products indicating that the consumption of these products is hazardous to health,” her appeal reads.

Russia already has a similar law relating to tobacco products, requiring a health warning reading “This tobacco product will harm your health” to cover 30 percent of the front side of the package. Authorities mandated the labels in 2012, and then began gradually increasing excise taxes, after a massive rise in tobacco consumption after the collapse of the USSR, particularly among women. These and other measures have helped bring smoking rates down substantially, from a high of 35 percent in 2006 to about 22.5 percent by the late 2010s.

Private and government initiatives to battle fast food have been around for years, with lawmakers proposing taxation and restrictions on the amount of time and space allowed for advertising of fast food on television and in other media.

A warning label is not really going far enough, frankly.

It shouldn’t simply have a warning label – you should have to be 18 to choose to consume it, like with cigarettes and alcohol.

And frankly, even as an extreme freedom supporter, I think the foods should just be banned outright.

I remember in the early 2010s, when I was still figuring things out in terms of political philosophy, the Sean Hannity “hot take” on New York banning certain sizes of soft drinks being a final straw in realizing just how totally bankrupt modern conservative ideology is. “Why not just legalize crack cocaine then?” I thought.

Of course, a lot of libertarians – because they are morons who can’t process ideas and thus must embrace ideology – do support legalizing all drugs.

Here’s the truth: It is fundamentally anti-social to allow or encourage deliberate self-harm.

We live in a society.

Instead of comparing processed foods to cigarettes, they should be compared to heroin.

Let me give you the low-down as a 1-2-3:

  1. Smoking is clearly safer than eating processed food.
  2. Is processed food as bad as heroin or meth? No.
  3. However, it is much closer to heroin and meth than it is to cigarettes, on a chart of health dangers.

As a society, we’ve accepted that some substances should be regulated, and you should need to be a consenting adult to consume them (tobacco and alcohol) and that some substances should be banned outright (hard drugs).

The metric is not necessarily health-related. The metric is more based on tradition. Tobacco and alcohol are part of European traditional culture, whereas hard drugs were only made possible by modern pharmacology.

Just so: processed food is a product of modern science, and our bodies are not adapted to dealing with it.

I vote for a total ban.

However, I suppose that we have to come at this like the anti-gun lobby comes at gun control: you slowly chip away at processed food rights through increasing regulation with the goal of outright banning them.

How amazing it must be to be Russian, and to know that you might have some ability to influence some policy of your government.