Russia to Respond in Kind If America Deploys Long-Range Missiles in Germany, Putin Warns

There is no good reason not to just completely blow up the world.

It just seems logical at this point.

The Guardian:

Vladimir Putin has warned the US that if Washington deploys long-range missiles in Germany from 2026, Russia will station similar missiles within striking distance of the west.

The US would start deploying long-range fire capabilities in Germany in 2026 in an effort to demonstrate its commitment to Nato and European defence, the Washington and Germany said earlier this month.

The US’s “episodic deployments” are in preparation for longer-term stationing of such capabilities that will include SM-6 and Tomahawk cruise missiles and developmental hypersonic weapons that have a longer range than current capabilities in Europe, Washington and Berlin said.

In a speech on Sunday to sailors from Russia, China, Algeria and India to mark Russian navy day in the former imperial capital of St Petersburg, Putin told the US it risked triggering a cold war-style missile crisis with the move.

They know that already.

That’s what they’re trying to do.

I don’t really know why and I don’t think they know why either, but that’s the plan.

Who cares?