Sam Hyde Shows Up at HWNDU – “Heebs will Not Divide Us!”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 29, 2017

Last night, Sam Hyde crashed the Jew Shia LeBeouf’s “He will Not Divide Us” livestream and started a “heebs will not divide us” chant.

Sam showed up at the challenge of some monkey on twitter. The monkey did not show.

This Jew’s “art installation” (live stream here) is proving to be a source of infinite lols, as it is trolled by shitlords from everywhere. It’s also creating a “ground zero” rallying point for the culture war. And by all accounts, we are winning this culture war.

Every time you turn the stream on, it is shitlords laughing and shouting about Pepe. Shia hasn’t even been back since he got arrested for assaulting a Pepe poster.

He claimed that he was going to run this stream for four years, but it’s almost assured at this point he’s going to have to either shut it down, or somehow enclose it and keep out people he disagrees with (which I’m pretty sure would defeat the point).

These people have already lost the battle of ideas. There can be no resurrection of Jew-liberalism.

Here are the three periscopes of Sam on the scene (periscopes don’t embed): one, two, three.

And here’s the isolated “Heebs will not divide us” chant.