Scandal: Jack Posobiec Visited Disney World After the Release of The Rise of Skywalker

Right-wingers are complaining that Jack Posobiec was attacked by The Daily Dot for visiting Disney World before the drama in Florida in relation to the child grooming bill.

However, Posobiec’s visit to the child molestation advocacy center came in February of this year, more than two years after the release of Disney’s “The Rise of Skywalker” Star Wars film.

Recent polls show that more than 95% of Americans believe that the film, which featured black people riding horses across the roof of a spaceship, was “much worse” than homosexuals molesting kindergartners.

Those numbers include 92% of Republicans, who said they would prefer that “Disney CEO Bob Chapek personally molests every kindergartner in America” than for Disney to release another Star Wars film.

Chapek has thus far not offered to personally molest children under the age of 9, which the Florida bill bans, but his company is spending millions to advocate for homosexual and female teachers to groom children into homosexuality. However, many staff at Disney are protesting that Chapek is not doing enough to help groom children under 9 into homosexuality, and have demanded that he begin going to kindergartens and molesting the children himself.

Chapek has sworn to do more to homosexualize children, and has not ruled out personally going to kindergartens to molest them.

Meanwhile, Disney continues to threaten to release more intersectional queer feminist Star Wars films, including a series of films directed by the Jews from Game of Thrones.

Jack Posobiec Should Have Joined Azov

Looking at this picture of Posobiec at Disney World with the wife and kids, we realize just how gay the modern “trad” internet phenomenon is.

Ask yourself: is that what you want for your own life? To be going around with children and women like that, smiling like that?

This is supposed to be the “trad” fantasy.

In reality, traditional fathers did not carry around babies, they didn’t go around with their wife like they were friends. This looks softer than MyPillow towels.

And then of course, these conservatives are doing this leftist “how dare you?” thing because The Daily Dot posted the picture.

He posted the picture himself. He didn’t get hacked. He thinks posting pictures of your kids on the internet is normal. He’s proud of being a “trad” dad who goes around with his wife like he is one of the children in the consumerist paradise of “Western civilization.”

This is what “trad” people on the internet are trying to “save” – modern “partnership” marriages and consumerist definitions of civil society created by sitcoms and romantic comedy films.

It’s going to end in divorce, I can tell you that much.

Jack Posobiec would have been better off joining Azov than ending up as Disney Dad.

For those of you who maybe don’t understand: “tradition” was men working 18 hours a day, and spending the hours they weren’t working with other men doing activities. They were not friends with their wives, they were not carrying around babies and smiling for photos like they’re in a toothpaste commercial.

People on the internet who talk about “trad” do not even know what historical families looked like, they have no idea how men acted. They are millennials and zoomers who think “trad” is Boy Meets World and “true love.” Their image is so tainted by modernity that it is almost as bad as the slut-fest they claim to oppose. Sadly, we are too far away from it now for any men to even have that idea without like, going and living in a Siberian village or a Pashtun cave for six months.

This “trad” stuff will not work. That is the point. I’m not just saying “oh, it’s gay” – it will not work. These “I’m the husband and the friend and I help raise the kids” marriages are all going to end in divorce.

Basically, Ted Kaczynski was right.