Science Fact: Slavery Reparations Would Have Reduced Coronavirus Deaths

Science is just facts, jack.

It’s from the experts, jack.


Covid-19 is disproportionately sickening and killing Black Americans, the result of centuries of structural racism, a group of Harvard researchers says.

If the US had paid reparations the descendants of Black Americans who were enslaved, though, the risk of severe illness and death from the virus would be far lower, according to a new, peer-reviewed study by the researchers.

The group of researchers, from Harvard Medical School and the Lancet Commission on Reparations and Redistributive Justice, examined how reparation payments made before the pandemic would have affected Louisiana, a state that remains segregated in parts, and found that the payments could have reduced coronavirus transmission in the state anywhere between 31% to 68%.

As the US approaches one year of living with Covid-19, Black Americans and other groups, including Hispanic and Native American people, are as much as 4 times more likely to be hospitalized than White Americans, data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows.

The researchers’ latest findings highlight the importance of a pandemic strategy that considers the racial gap in Covid-19 exposure and transmission, the researchers said.

Harvard is a very respected medical institution, meaning that this is 100% and totally real.

This is just one more reminder that white people are truly metaphysically evil, and this is why we must crush the white race.

We must make them pay the ultimate price.