Scotland: Court Decides Trannies Can’t Get Women’s Affirmative Action Jobs

This is an outrage.

We need to invade Scotland.

In fact, when Justin Trudeau finishes cleaning up the Nazi Confederate fascists in his own country, he should send the troops straight to Scotland to horse-trample these transphobes.

They are phobic of trannies – and that is the ultimate sin against democracy, second only to pointing out the staggering overrepresentation of Jews in positions of power.


The Scottish government has lost a legal battle over a gender representation law that “expanded the definition of women” to include transgender people. Women’s rights activists had argued that the legislation violated “protected characteristics” related to sex in the UK’s 2010 Equality Act.

The Court of Session in Edinburgh ruled on Friday that the Scottish National Party (SNP) government had overstepped its authority when drafting the Gender Representation on Public Boards Scotland Act in 2018, which implemented 50% quotas for women on public sector boards.

Under the law, an individual “living as a woman” who plans to undergo (or has undergone) a “process for the purpose of becoming female” should be considered on par with biological women when filling these quotas. It invoked the “protected characteristic” of gender reassignment.

But the court stated that by “incorporating those transsexuals living as women into the definition of woman,” the legislation “conflates and confuses” two different protected characteristics. The three judges hearing the case said the ruling was not about the “rights and wrongs” of the trans rights debate, but whether the legislation fell under Holyrood’s devolved powers.

Are you allowed to call a tranny a “transsexual”?

I thought that was on part with calling a nigger “boy”?

The definition of ‘woman’ adopted in the 2018 act “impinges on the nature of protected characteristics which is a reserved matter,” the ruling states, adding that “changing the definitions” of what constituted a protected characteristic is “not permitted” since it would negate laws passed by Westminster. The court said that the government should have instituted separate quotas for transgender people instead.

The judges noted that the definition used in the legislation would, in theory, make it possible for public boards to achieve their gender quota without adding a single board member who is a biological woman.

Well, they clearly don’t get it.

There is no difference between a “biological woman” and a “tranny.” This has been decided by every government in the Western world, based on The Science.

There is zero chance that this is going to not be overturned.