Scumbag Antifa Leader BG Kumbi Trolled the Alt-Right Right Along with Fox News

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 18, 2017

Well, I screwed up.

In fact – get this – I got trolled.

After BG Kumbi appeared as an antifa on Fox News with Jesse Waters, I saluted him as an epic troll.

It turns out, he is indeed a troll – an antifa troll. And he wasn’t trolling Jesse Waters – he was trolling the Alt-Right by making us think he was making fun of antifa when in fact he was supporting them. His interview with Jesse Waters was a real interview but he gave purposefully bizarre answers to questions in order to make us – “the fash,” as he calls us – think he was on our side trying to make his side look stupid, so then we would support him and look stupid ourselves.

The liberal media looked stupid for following our lead and making fun of Fox for doing a “fake” interview.

Dickheads at Esquire and other liberal news outlets followed my lead after I reported this was a troll. Now they’re going to have to go back and admit it was a real interview.

Fox News also looked stupid because they accepted that the interview was a hoax but now have to come out and admit that it was just a normal interview with an antifa.

He effectively trolled both the liberal and conservative media – along with Neo-Nazi media – all at the same time.

He explains how he did this today in a video on his YouTube channel. It is wheels within wheels, and I am actually sitting here like – “wow, maybe taking down antifa actually is going to be a challenge, if they’re able to pull off stunts like this.” I thought that antifa was pretty well burned out – instead, they’re evolving.

Apparently, his only allegiance is to antifa, and a worldwide worker revolution. And it seems that he has now become a leader in the antifa movement, and has permission of the group to speak on their behalf. Apparently, all of the various antifa groups are uniting under a single banner – with him in charge. So we’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of him.

So I want to apologize to you, my readers, for having let you also be trolled.

But we won’t get fooled again.

I can tell you that.

I’m going to make absolutely certain going forward that I know exactly what is going on with antifa – because they are definitely learning how to use our own tactics against us.

This could get very interesting.

Very interesting indeed.