Second Woman Accusing Prince Andrew of Having Sex with Her Because Epstein Told Her To

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 7, 2019

Will Prince Andrew get double fired for having sex with a second jailbait?

The Sun:

A second woman allegedly abused by paedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has claimed she had sex with Prince Andrew.

The fresh allegations come after Epstein’s “sex slave” Virginia Roberts went on TV to claim she was ordered to have sex with Andrew when she was aged 17.

Prince Andrew has repeatedly denied the claims and says he has “no recollection” of meeting 17-year-old Roberts, or having a photo taken with her.

Roberts, whose married name is now Giuffre, alleges that she and Andrew, 59, had sex three times from 2001.

Appearing on BBC’s Panorama, Roberts said: “He knows what happened. I know what happened, and there’s only one of us telling the truth, and I know that’s me.”

In the latest claims against the Duke of York, The Mirror reports the second woman – unnamed – has been speaking to lawyers representing Epstein’s other alleged victims.

Lawyers are reportedly looking into whether the new allegations will be used as part of a lawsuit against Epstein’s estate.

There is nothing in the latest reports to suggest the woman was coerced into having sex with Andrew.

Buckingham Palace said they would not be commenting on the latest claims.

Probably a good idea to not comment.

The last time they commented, it did not turn out well for them.

By the way, the BBC interview with Giuffre was really unmoving.

She was 17, she was flying around with a billionaire, she was never forced to do anything – but she felt as though she was being forced, or so she claims.

I don’t know how you can confirm this girl’s feelings.

Basically, I’m not even sure if this is illegal.

It isn’t illegal to have sex with a 17-year-old in Britain or America. If she was internationally “trafficked” specifically for the purposes of sex, that would be illegal. But the instance she describes, where she went to a club with Andrew and he was sweating all over her and she was told by Ghislaine Maxwell to have sex with him – you would have to prove that she was forced in order for that sex to be illegal, and she is talking about how she “felt” forced.

But why did she keep getting on these planes and flying around the world with this Jew who was “raping” her and letting other men “rape” her?

She never says there were any guns involved. No big men dragging her. No threats of anything. They were just pouring money on her and letting her go with them to all of these extravagant events around the globe, then suggesting she have sex with people.

Allegedly there were girls younger than her involved. And yeah, when you get into the earlier teens, that should be and is illegal, even if they’re just sluts who deserved it (which I believe they are).

But this Giuffre story is really just dumb. Even if she was somehow “manipulated” into having sex with Andrew – and I don’t believe it is possible to manipulate a woman into having sex with anyone, women are very aware of what is going on with sex dynamics – then you still have the question of why she decided to keep showing up.

When Epstein called her and was like “c’mon, babe, we’re flying out to Britain to hang out with the Prince,” she could have just said “ow, sorry Jeffrey, I can’t, I’m busy.”

Never is she asked why she didn’t do that, never is it implied that there was some reason she didn’t do that. It’s all just “oh my poor dear, you were just a child.”

Basically, this bitch is just trying to get paid.

I assume the rest of the ones coming out are doing the same.

That isn’t to say Epstein wasn’t involved in actual pedophilia, and actual weird Jewish satanism, or whatever else he’s accused of being involved in. But this stuff with teenage girls appears to just be a massive hoax that the Jew lawyers of these women are doing to get a paycheck.

Also, these Jew lawyers are trying to put everything on the goy fall-guy Andrew while we get no information about any of the other stuff, especially not the fact that this whole thing was being run by the Mossad.