Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 12, 2014

Alex “Jew Wife” Jones, who is commonly referred to by his cult-like followers as “the Fat Man” or simply “Tits,” appears to be ideologically responsible for the brutal murder of two police officers and Wal-Mart shopper by Jerad and Amanda Miller.
Jones, who has a Jewish wife and Jewish children, and is entirely funded by Jews through advertising, has repeatedly called – in vague language – for a violent war against the police, who he dubs the enemy of “muh freedoms.” He of course keeps himself out of legal trouble by couching this in terms of “only kill the police if they try to kill you,” but when it is repeated endlessly, his listeners – within the minds of whom he induces schizophrenia, on purpose – get the impression that the police are planning to kill them, and thus are subtly encouraged to “make the first move.”
The question arises: should Alex Jones be silenced by the government?
In a perfect world I would say that of course Alex Jones should be silenced and imprisoned or deported to Israel with his Jewish wife and children, not simply because he is a Jew lover and a purposeful spreader of the most destructive type of mental disease – conspiracy theorism coupled with hardcore liberal theology – but because he is a clear and present danger to the people of this country, calling as he constantly is for an insane and pointless civil war against the police.
I do not say this because I am against free speech, I say this because I am against manipulating vulnerable people for a profit, regardless of the bodycount, a sick practice which cannot possibly be construed as “free speech.”

Certainly, members of the White Nationalist community have committed acts of violence, but they have done so of their own accord, not because the Daily Stormer told them to do so. The Daily Stormer is actively anti-violence, certainly anti-random violence, and promotes the idea that the key to victory is to spread the message and alert the people to the obvious realities of Jewish domination.
Jones’ agenda is the opposite, demanding, as he does, that the people be bombarded with insane fictions about secret plans and mind weapons, chemical spraying and secret satanic cults.

However, Alex will not be imprisoned, nor will he be deported to Jewland (where he, being married to a Jew and having produced Jew children, is a de facto citizen), because he is a function of the system.
Those individuals who know that something is deeply wrong with our society seek out answers on the internet, and inevitably come to Mr. Jones, who tells them that there is a secret plan against them, that “all races are involved” in a “German death cult” which wants to kill them for no reason, and is actively planning to do so using space lasers and “chemtrails.”
They thus become incapable of recognizing the otherwise obvious reality that what we are dealing with is not some secret plan by a secret group, but an infiltration and takeover by a hostile alien race. Conspiracy theorism is so powerful in its damaging psychological effect that it makes the believer in it incapable of seeing the obvious and not-secret fact that all of the institutions of power in the Western world are entirely dominated by Jews.

And so the Jews win.
Conspiracy theorism and libertarianism are the biggest barriers to creating a real nationalist movement in the US. Though in any sane society, the violent and deranged rhetoric of Jones would get him arrested or deported to his promised land in Tel Aviv, we do not live in a sane society. We must then simply continue to combat the idiocy of the Jonestown followers, across the internet, as we continue to dominate the narrative with our message of true liberty and justice.
The answer to 1984 is 1933.
Hail Victory.