Slippery Scum-Sucking Weasel John Oliver Attacks the Brexit

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2016

The slippery weasel John Oliver is apparently the last person capable of making liberalism seem as though it has some bit of humor left.



The Daily Beast’s (((Marlow Stern))) (@MarlowNYC) thought this clips was ab-fab!

These liberals used to post clips of all sorts of different comedians on their blogs, and now they only post this one guy. As you can see from the above clip wherein he attacks the Brexit, the humor is not coming from liberalism, but from played-out dirty jokes and profanity which are given new life by a British accent in the hearts of the stupid goyim.

There is no actual political context in this segment. It is just “Britain leaving the EU was bad” + profane sex joke.

Conversely, Nazi humor is actually funny in that we are able to actually mock and make light of the idiotic beliefs and behaviors of our enemies.

Side Issue

Btw – am I the only one who has a hard time believing John Oliver isn’t at least part Jewish? As I have documented before, his head writer is a Jew. But he himself looks very Jewish to me.

But maybe this is some British goy type I’m unfamiliar with. He looks a lot like Louis Theroux, another Brit who claims not to be Jewish.


They could actually be brothers.