Slovak Priest Says Jews Deserved to be Holocausted, Gypsies are Next

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 8, 2014

Holocausting the Jews: It's straight gangsta.
Holocausting the Jews: It’s straight gangsta.
A Catholic Slovak priest, Emil Floriš, has come out and said that the Jews themselves are responsible for the Holocaust and that the gypsies are next.

Prague Post:

“A part of the speech by Floriš, who spoke at a mass in Čadca, north central Slovakia, that was devoted to Jews and the Holocaust offends and humiliates the memory of the victims,” Lucia Kollárová, spokeswoman for the Headquarters of the Jewish Religious Communities in Slovakia, told the Slovak news agency SITA, Právo writes.

Kollárová said a part of Floriš’s speech included untruths and anti-Semitic cliches, relativizing the suffering of the Jewish population during World War Two, also on the territory of present-day Slovakia.

Floriš reportedly said Jews from all over Europe had been transported to the concentration camps because they were hated, for which they themselves were to blame, Právo writes.

“Now the same is threatening Romanies. Do you know why? Because they abuse the system and charity of people,” Floriš said before hundreds of church-goers, Právo writes.

Obviously, the Holocaust should always be denied, because it didn’t actually happen. However, the point that “the Jews deserved it” basically still holds up, even if you know it didn’t happen.

They do abuse us in every way possible, and we just lay there and take it.

And yes, the gypsies are just as bad, in their own way. They offer absolutely nothing whatsoever to society. Literally, nothing at all. At least the Jews made South Park and produced some decent Motown albums.

Still, I don’t condone genociding anyone. I believe in separation. We now have the capacity to separate the Jews and the gypsies and all the rest of these parasite populations forever, with no need to hurt a single one of them.