Slovenia: Melania Trump Statue Burned and Disfigured on July 4th

This statue was actually anti-Trump, but I am certain the people who burned it were also anti-Trump.

We are experiencing a global uprising against civilization and white people.

CBS News:

As the U.S. celebrated its Independence Day and President Trump vowed to punish those who destroy U.S. monuments, a life-sized sculpture of first lady Melania Trump was burned near her hometown in Slovenia, the Reuters news agency reported.

Brad Downey, the Berlin-based American artist who commissioned the sculpture, told Reuters that police told him what happened the day following the incident. The wooden sculpture, he told Reuters, was blackened and disfigured.

“I want to know why they did it,” Downey said. He told Reuters that he had hoped the sculpture of Mrs. Trump would spark conversation about political issues in the U.S., namely regarding immigration. Downey said he filed a police report and is hoping to interview the person or people who burned the sculpture for a film he is working on.

Police spokeswoman Alenka Drenik told Reuters that the investigation is ongoing, “so we cannot reveal details to the interest of further procedures.”

The wooden sculpture of Mrs. Trump was unveiled just a year earlier. The installation depicts Melania as she was on President Donald Trump’s inauguration day — wearing her light blue coat and waving her left hand at onlookers.

The sculpture, carved in a living linden tree trunk with a chainsaw, was originally met with mixed opinions by locals. One resident told Reuters in 2019 that the Melania depicted in the sculpture “does not look as beautiful as she normally is,” while another local told BBC News that it looked like “Smurfette.”

Yes, it was an ugly, mean statue.

People doing these attacks are too stupid to understand it was making fun of her.

I’m sure the majority of people in Slovenia don’t support this insanity, it is probably less than 1%, and yet the revolutionaries are acting there, and no one will do anything to stop them.