So We Bring These People Into Our Countries to Celebrate Diversity Then Force Them to Follow “Our Values”

So, let’s think this through.

You bring a bunch of foreigners from a completely different culture into your country. You celebrate this as multiculturalism. Then you indoctrinate their children to rebel against the culture of their parents.

Then when the parents try to keep their children in line with their own culture, you prosecute them and take their kids.


A Bangledeshi couple has been placed under investigation for trying to force their 14-year-old daughter into an arranged marriage last year, legal sources said Friday.

The pair, aged 44 and 40, are under investigation on suspicion of causing undue psychological harm in the teenager, who rebelled against the strict Islamic code she was expected to adhere to, sources said.

They allegedly forced her to wear an Islamic veil, monitored her use of phones and the TV, stopped her frequenting her Italian friends after school, beating her when she refused to carry out their orders.

The family wanted her to marry a man they had chosen, police said, and ignored her dreams of becoming a surgeon.

When they were on the verge of taking her to the arranged marriage in Bangladesh the girl fled her home and went to the police who placed her in a shelter.

Her parents have been served a restraining order.

Remember “moral relativism”?

Probably not. Let’s do a refresher on that.

You see, the thing with these Jews is that they don’t really believe in the things they say they believe in, they just put forward a barrage of ideologies to try to get you to believe in things so that you’ll behave in ways they want you to behave and accept social changes they want you to accept. So you end up with the same people pushing for socialism also using libertarian arguments for “private companies” (read: multinational corporations) being completely unregulated.

A while ago, the Jews were pushing “moral relativism.” It was the claim that one culture doesn’t have a right to morally judge the practices of another culture, because morality is culturally relative. This was a big part of the sexual revolution – they were telling women “well, we found these island people who fornicate like animals, so actually, there is no such thing as sexual morality, so you should just have sex with whoever because morals aren’t even real.”

So, women were like, “oh, really? Yes, that sounds like a good idea, I’ll just have sex with everyone because some woman wrote a book saying Pacific Islanders do that and it’s all fine.”

Now, in the age of mass immigration, instead we have state-enforced moral absolutism, according to a new code of morals that replaced the one that was wrecked by telling people morals were relative. They created a “clean slate,” formed a new moral code, then made it absolute and universal. It’s not called “moral absolutism.” It’s usually called “human rights.” The term is associated with “democracy,” “our values,” and “who we are.”

Firstly, marrying off your 14-year-old daughter to a man you chose was normal – or at least, not abnormal – in Western culture not that long ago. Especially in somewhere like Italy, where it was probably happening up until a couple of decades ago in rural areas cut off from urban culture pre-electronic media.

Secondly, under the old system of “moral relativism,” no one would have any right to judge this behavior, because that’s their cultural morals.

Of course, now it is just pure evil to tell a teenage girl she can’t become a total slut and when she starts getting the tingles she needs to get married. They’ll arrest you for it and take your daughter to some slut factory if you do it in a Western country, as we see here.

But it’s beyond that – there are all these UN programs now to “end child marriage” around the world. There are also global programs to end prostitution by labeling it “sex trafficking.” All of this feminist stuff is now effectively a religious doctrine, and the only difference between this and what the Catholic Church did during colonialism is that it’s more aggressive and systematic.

The Catholic Church did definitely try to force a certain moral order on colonies. It was obviously a different moral order, but they did try to change people’s behavior. But it wasn’t like wacko extremism. A lot of the response to the behavior of the colonized savages was just like “yeah, well – you’re gonna have that.”

There was also less of a gap. Obviously, if that Catholic Church set up a colony in a country with arranged marriages, they wouldn’t start trying to tell people to make their daughters into sluts, because although there is such a thing as moral relativism (in terms of the practical, cultural differences), the gaps really are not that big between the natural states of morality in most places on earth. So the Catholic Church had less work to do.

As we’re talking about sex, the only places that like, literally did not have marriage were places in Africa and some various islands. That frustrated the priests and so on, but hey – most of those countries now practice marriage as a result of the efforts of the Church and… now the UN is going in to try to stop them from doing it.

This is all just goofy and dumb, as well as evil.

I know everyone who reads this website is a white supremacist and wants to exterminate all brown people and is incapable of feeling empathy for them, but I’m not actually like that. Obviously, I don’t think the Bangladeshis should be in Italy at all. But it is the same people who brought them there that are telling them they have to have a slut daughter, and effectively kidnapped the girl to take her someplace where she can get freely railed by any number of gentlemen of her choosing.

There was a similar story in America I covered about a Mexican man of 24 bringing in his 12-year-old pregnant girlfriend to the hospital to deliver their baby, and being accused of being a rapist and arrested. The police said that the man was confused and didn’t understand what he did wrong.

They referred to it as a “rape.”

I posted the age of consent map, which shows that 12 is the age of consent in most of Mexico. Some states are more Westernized and have adopted Western sex norms, but even in those places, you’re not going to get arrested at the hospital and accused of rape.

So it’s like… what are we doing here, exactly?

We invited this guy in from Mexico. He probably didn’t even speak English at all, probably no one told him about these sex laws, but then he’s arrested as a rapist when he’s probably feeling really happy going to the hospital with his girlfriend to deliver his kid.

You can have your own opinions on whether or not 12 year olds should be getting married and having kids, but that’s what they do in Mexico. They’ve been doing it for a long time. And they have stable families – or they did.

Same story with the Bangladeshis and the arranged marriages.

This is all part of a program to bring the whole world on board with the Western system, which is designed around the abolishing of the family and the isolation and alienation of the individual, so that there is nothing between the individual and the state. This has already been done in the West, so they’re now doing it to the third world, just to get everyone up to speed. That’s why there are billions of dollars being poured into feminist and homosexual groups in third world countries, and why the US literally threatens sanctions against countries that refuse to implement these policies.

The UN has all these different websites where they post about how they’re doing all of this. You probably run across articles about it. Just as a random example, here’s, which is about sending in teams to the third world to establish “women’s businesses” as a way to “empower women.” They spell all this stuff out really explicitly.

It’s a new moral absolutism, which isn’t actually morality at all, but a program of scientific, universal social control with the end of creating a one world system.

At the same time they are flooding our countries with these third worlders, they are flooding the third world with these NGO programs. They also have all of these university programs both in Western countries and in the third world where they “educate leadership” to enforce “human rights.”

It’s all really well-organized, but at this point, it is self-propelling. They’ve established in the minds of most Westerners that “human rights are our values.” So it is taken for granted that we need massive billion dollar operations to go meddle in the sexual practices of the third world. And there is an army of bitter childless white women lining up to get involved in this.

There should probably be some kind of tight conclusion I should draw here, but I’m really just describing something that’s happening that most people probably don’t think about, which fits into the whole weird scheme of globalism.

Everything is about overriding God and nature to create a utopia.

I think maybe the 1996 version of The Island of Dr. Moreau is relevant here.