Socialist Finland Forms Right-Wing Government

Daily Stormer
May 8, 2015

The 3 S's: Stubb of the NCP, Soini of the Finns Party and Sipilä of the Centre.
The 3 S’s: Stubb of the NCP, Soini of the Finns Party and Sipilä of the Centre.

Finland now has a right-wing government which includes nationalist parties.

So shall soon go all Euro governments.


Centre Party chair Juha Sipilä announced on Thursday evening that he will begin coalition talks with the Finns Party and National Coalition Party. They aim to form a new government for economically-ailing Finland within the next three weeks.

After a brief meeting with party chairs at the Little Parliament building, Prime Minister-designate Juha Sipilä said he aims to form a new non-socialist government including the three largest parties. Together they hold more than 61 percent of the seats in the new legislature.

On a lighter note, Sipilä quipped that all three party chairs’ surnames begin with the letter ‘S’ and punned that perhaps they could be referred to as the Three Aces, which is pronounced in Finnish the same way as the ‘Three S’s’. It was also the name of an Yle animated show for children about three detectives. The PM-to-be also jokingly referred to Trio S, which he described as a humppa (traditional dance music) band from the northern city of Oulu.

Social Democratic chair Antti Rinne said earlier his party would not be taking part, leaving a Centre-Finns Party-NCP triumvirate the apparent set-up. The Left Alliance, Greens, Christian Democratic and Swedish People Party leaders also confirmed to Yle that their parties would be in opposition. The latter, a small middle-of-the-road party, has been a regular fixture in the government for 36 years.

Besides the two largest blocs in Parliament, his own Centre Party and the Finns Party, Sipilä was expected to pick either outgoing premier Alexander Stubb’s conservative National Coalition Party (NCP) or the Social Democrats (SDP), plus possibly one or two small parties. The SDP was the second major partner in the last government, while the Centre and Finns were the largest opposition parties.

The Centre has 49 seats in the new 200-seat legislature, followed by the Finns Party with 38 seats and the NCP with 37. The latter actually won more popular votes, but ended up with one seat fewer due to the complexities of the electoral system. Together the three would have a broad majority of 123 seats, as the Speaker of Parliament does not vote.

Last night Sipilä abandoned talks aimed at reaching a ‘social contract’ with Finland’s labour market organisations before forming the coalition. Sipilä said that no one involved in the talks could be blamed for the failure, but now that his efforts to make a deal have folded, the new government will have to find ways to implement even more cost cuts.

Europe is undergoing a revolution.  But for the first time in a very long time, this is a good kind of revolution.

 kolme ässää is now a meme.
Kolme ässää is now a meme.