Somalian Militia has Banned Smoking, Football, Films, Bras and Now the Internet

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 10, 2014

Typical scene in a carryout parking lot on the North side of Columbus, Ohio.
Typical scene in a carryout parking lot on the North side of Columbus, Ohio.

From the Independent:

In recent years, Somalia’s al-Shabaab militia has banned smoking, playing soccer, watching movies, wearing bras, anything it deemed Western. Now, the al-Qa’ida-linked group has targeted something else common in most of the rest of the world: the internet.

In a statement — published on the internet, of course — the militia said it has disallowed the use of the internet in areas it controls and gave 15 days for telecommunications operations to comply. To those who refuse, the militia vowed retaliatory measures.

“Services known as mobile internet and fibre optics must be stopped in Somalia,” the militia said in a statement issued on the Facebook page of its al-Andalus radio station, according to a translation by the BBC. “Any firm or individual who does not comply will be seen to be working with the enemy and will be dealt with in accordance with Islamic law.”

I don’t want to know why these people act this way, because I don’t care.  “Biologically determined barbarianism” is enough of an explanation for me.

What I do want to know is why my own countrymen, who are presently allowing my own home town, Columbus, Ohio, to be flooded with these Somalian savages, imagine that after they begin to take over large portions of this city, to the point where the police force no longer has any influence on what they do (they are entering in droves and breed like cockroaches, so it won’t be long), they will do something other than what they do in Africa.

Is being in a variant geographical location supposed to, by magic, change their behavior patterns?  How could any person seriously entertain this type of voodoo logic?

Though it is an agenda created and forwarded by Jews, liberal Whites are the primary enablers of the multicultural invasion of the third world hordes.  These are people who believe in the right to “express yourself freely,” including in all types of degenerate behaviors such as homosexuality.  Muslims believe the exact opposite of that – they believe that people shouldn’t really be allowed to do anything at all.

So how is it that liberals imagine that by importing tens of millions of people who have a mindset completely opposed to their own in every way, and pushing for these people to become the majority in our countries, they imagine that they are going to be able to maintain their own political agenda?

It is pathological.