Special Jewish Parallel Police-Force Released Onto Unsuspecting Public in London

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2015

Special Jewish police cars and extra police were out in force in North-West London yesterday, following the kosher store siege in another country.

So, 1400 White girls are raped by Moslems in one town and there are no changes made to the police, yet just because four Jews were killed in another country, a fleet of extra police patrol cars are rolled out in London, along with a specially trained parallel police force, tasked with protecting Jews and no one else?

And nobody sees anything suspicious in this and the media reports it as being a good thing?

Just who is it running the country and who is it running the media?

This is the ratio of police to Jews, that the Jews would like to see everywhere.

Daily Mail:

Extra Jewish security patrol cars and police were out in force in North-West London yesterday following the kosher store siege in Paris.

The cars look very similar to police vehicles and bear the security group’s name ‘Shomrim’ – Hebrew for ‘guards’ – along the sides and back.

The Orthodox organisation, which works closely with the Metropolitan Police, tweeted: ‘Following events in Paris we will have on extra patrols throughout NW London over Shabbos [ the Jewish sabbath].’

Shomrim volunteers receive police training and uniforms, including knife-proof vests.

‘We ask the community to remain calm and vigilant.’

Tributes have continued to be paid to the victims of three days of terrorist atrocities which left 17 people dead.

Shomrim tweeted on Friday: ‘Our thoughts and prayers are with the Jewish community in Paris, the victims and families of victims in today’s attacks.’

Based in Stamford Hill, the volunteers are trained by the Metropolitan Police and patrol the area regularly looking for anti-Semitic hate crimes, and general disorder in the neighbourhood.

The volunteer group, similar to a Neighbourhood Watch, are trained to safely track and detain suspects until police arrive, and run a 24-hour hotline for those in the area to report attacks.

But hey – if the fags and the Moslems get their own police forces in Britain, why not these Jews?

Gay police patrol car - often called the "Buttmobile" - in Manchester
Gay police patrol car – often called the “Buttmobile” – in Manchester
Shariah police are controlled by the "maybe when we have the caliphate, I'll finally get laid" ginger boy you always see pictures of on the Daily Mail
Shariah police are controlled by the “maybe when we have the caliphate, I’ll finally get laid” ginger boy you always see pictures of on the Daily Mail

If anything, we need more special police forces to protect all of the elite protected minorities from these evil Whites who have constantly shown that they just want to gas everyone.

The Jews like to treat the police as their own paramilitary force, there to arrest and throw in jail anyone that dares to criticize them.
The Jews have long had their own police force on the internet - why not on the streets of Britain?
The Jews have long had their own police force on the internet – why not on the streets of Britain?

Andrew Anglin contributed a bunch of stupid jokes to this report.