Daily Stormer
May 27, 2014
Jewish actor Andrew Garfield, who is not a Spider-Man but plays one in terrible movies, has dressed up like a woman for a music video of a song by the horrible band Arcade Fire which shamelessly encourages young people to develop gender identity disorder because it is cool and hip and edgy.
The song is titled “we exist” and is probably the most faggoty thing I have ever seen in my life. Or rather, the first thirty seconds of it are, because that’s all I watched.
The speed at which the transvestite agenda is progressing is simply astonishing. Since winning their big gay marriage victory, the Jews have gone into overdrive encouraging children to experiment with cross-dressing and pretending to be the opposite sex.
The Jew Garfield had previously created controversy when he said that Spider-Man should engage in interracial anal sex with men in the children’s film series, and then later claimed Spider-Man is a Jew.